Yoga Exercises Against Back Pain

Some yoga postures stretch the back muscles and so relieve pain. Regular practice also strengthens the body zone and reduces the risk of injuries

Yoga exercises for back pain

Yoga exercises for back pain are an excellent complementary measure to medical therapy, as they relax the muscles and combat stress-related symptoms.

Even if several factors contribute to this condition,  the stretching and conscious breathing of this discipline help alleviate it.

While many people prefer to rest when they experience muscle tension, yoga has therapeutic effects that are more beneficial.

In fact, practicing regular yoga exercises for back pain has been shown to be an effective way to relieve chronic or recurrent pain.

However, it is very important to choose the right postures. This is especially true if you don’t have a lot of experience with this discipline.

That’s why we’d like to introduce you to a series of simple exercises that focus on the back. Do you try them out?

1. Yoga exercises for back pain: the child

Yoga exercises: child helps against back pain

The child’s posture , also called “balasana”  , is one of the yoga exercises for back pain. This is an active stretching of the spine. 

It relieves stiffness and tension, improves blood flow and relaxes muscles.


  • Get on your knees first and prop your glutes on your heels. Then move your head towards the floor until you touch it.
  • Keep your arms by the sides of your body so that you can achieve a higher level of relaxation.
  • Try to hold the pose for 15 to 20 seconds, breathing deeply in and out.

By the way:  If you can’t get your head down on the floor, or if this position feels uncomfortable, then simply use a pillow as a support.

2nd cat

The position of the cat, also known as “Bidalasana” in yoga  , is an exercise that relieves tension in the back and neck. The movements stimulate the use of synovial fluid so that the spine remains flexible and healthy.


  • Now let’s start from the child’s position: get up, straighten your arms, and bend your spine upwards (like a cat!).
  • Keep your head down, just as if you wanted to touch your lower abdomen with your forehead. Your knees and the tops of your feet will stay on the mat.
  • Now straighten your spine and then stay in this position for a few seconds. At the same time, lift your head and look forward.
  • Move from one position to the next. Make slow movements and also watch your breathing. For example, inhale in the first position and exhale in the second.

3. The triangle

The position of the triangle or “ Trikonasana” is one of the yoga exercises for back pain and neck pain. It also improves the mobility of the hips and spine. This will reduce the risk of injury.


  • We do this exercise while standing. To do this, open your legs a little more than shoulder width. Then touch your left leg with your left hand.
  • Then stretch your right arm and head towards the ceiling.
  • Try to keep your left leg straight and bend your right leg a little.
  • Now repeat this exercise with the other side of your body and then rest a little.

4. Grasshopper

The  “Salabhasana”  or grasshopper  pose is an exercise that is used to stretch and relax various muscle groups in the body. 

Since it completely stretches the spine, it also helps relieve back pain. It also trains the stomach and shoulders.


  • To do this, lie on your stomach on your yoga mat.
  • Then lift your legs and chest so that they are no longer touching the floor.
  • Keep your arms by the sides of your body as you do this. The fingers should point backwards for this.
  • Hold this position for 20 or 30 seconds, trying to keep breathing normally.

    5th pigeon

    Yoga exercises: pigeon stretches the muscles

    The pose of the pigeon or “Salamba Kapotasana”  is also one of the yoga exercises against back pain. With her, we make movements that increase the mobility and strength of the muscles around the spine. 

    At the same time, it strengthens the glutes, the hamstrings and the twin calf muscles.


    • First get on your knees and put one bent leg forward. Then stretch the other leg back and place your hands on the floor at the sides of your body.
    • In the following, you stretch your groin towards the floor. To do this, lift the knee of the bent leg and pull in your glutes.
    • Raise your tailbone toward your pubic bone, pull in your stomach and shoulder blades together, then bring them toward your tailbone. Now stretch your arms out over your head and put your palms together.

    Caution:  To reduce the pressure on your hips, you can also support yourself with your hands on the floor.

    As you can see, the yoga exercises for back pain are very easy and you don’t need a lot of experience to do them. 

    You should only have a quiet, comfortable place where you can concentrate one hundred percent.

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