Why You Should Cry When You Feel Like It!

Crying is an outlet for our emotions, which helps us to manage our feelings better and not to be overwhelmed by their burden.

Why you should cry when you feel like it!

By wines we feel better, even if the problem remains, since it is a good way to heal the heart. Therefore, we shouldn’t hold back tears when we feel like crying .

Don’t hold back crying!

Letting in crying during difficult times is a good outlet for your emotions. Crying is a way of eliminating negative emotions so that they do not become lodged in the unconscious as symptoms of stress, grief, pain, fear and frustration.

Certainly, one of the most important functions of tears is to protect the eyes from irritation and foreign bodies. Tears can be a sign of courage, strength and authenticity. In addition, they are necessary to stay healthy and reduce stress.

In that moment when emotions overwhelm you, crying can be a healthy emotional release. While tears have some benefits, keep in mind that not all tears can always help alleviate sadness.

men cry too

3 types of tears

Tears lubricate the eyes, eliminate irritating substances, reduce stress hormones and contain antibodies that fight pathogenic microbes. Know that there are 3 types of tears:

  • Reflex tears: These tears have a protective effect in a dangerous situation. They contain antibodies that the eyes can use to remove harmful particles if irritated. Either through smoke, gas or dust.
  • Continuous tears : This second type of tear occurs regularly to keep the eyes moisturized. They contain lysozyme and thus have an antibacterial effect and protect the eyes from infections.
  • Emotional tears: These are triggered by intense feelings such as happiness and sadness. This third type of tear has particular emotional health benefits because it prevents us from suppressing intense emotions that can turn into anxious-depressive symptoms.

However, emotional tears have far more benefits than providing an outlet for emotions. We introduce you to the other points that should convince you not to hold back tears in difficult situations:

crying woman

Tears promote bonds

It is often difficult to show your feelings in the presence of other people and to allow the reaction to these emotions. However, you should know that crying is the best way to reach out to the other person.

If you have to cry and you feel comfortable with the person, just let the tears flow. No doubt, real friendships will appreciate your sincere tears and value them as a vote of confidence.

Release tension

You cannot hide your feelings forever without tearing yourself apart under the tension that arises. Carrying around all of this stress and pressure is detrimental to your mental health.

With that in mind, it is healthy to cry when you need to. While this won’t solve your problems right away, it will help you see things differently and find a solution even in difficult times.

Think more clearly and find solutions

Emotions are not always logical. When you allow yourself to be captivated by emotions, whether by suppressing crying or otherwise, it is difficult to discover the real truth behind the problems.

Once you become aware of the problem that is demanding your attention and hindering your clear thinking, you will be able to find an antidote to the stress associated with it. Tears loosen emotional bonds and can change the way you look.

Improves mood

Crying is without a doubt an excellent way to improve your mood during difficult times. In this way we can alleviate the pain caused by suppressed emotions. In fact, for the most part, people feel better when they let go of the tears.

It is possible that as you cry, you may become more aware of your weaknesses. This enables you to face the problems and find a different and more appropriate perspective on difficult situations. Without a doubt, crying sets us free.

It is healthy

Crying isn’t just about blowing your emotions away. It is an expression mechanism that reduces anxiety and depression. In addition, wellness hormones are released that lower the manganese level. In addition, this mineral can be responsible for:

  • fatigue
  • irritability
  • depression

Restores the emotional balance

Crying doesn’t just happen in response to something sad or in a difficult moment. Sometimes crying can mean a moment of happiness, fear, or stress. In all cases, tears help restore emotional balance.

Not crying will hurt you more

Finally, we want to remind you that you have to leave behind old and wrong ideas about crying. It is good and healthy because it helps to emotionally release emotions, stress and happiness. It also doesn’t make us weak in front of others. On the contrary, we show our most sensitive and human facet.

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