Why Dried Fruits And Nuts Are Part Of A Healthy Diet

Dried fruits and nuts rarely end up on our plates. Unfortunately, this is unhealthy, as we will explain to you today.

Why dried fruits and nuts are part of a healthy diet

For generations, dried fruits and nuts have been a healthy way of consuming plant-based food and especially plant-based protein, even in winter.

However, these healthy foods seem to be out of fashion these days. Find out why you should include dried fruits and nuts on your diet.

Dried fruits and nuts are not always healthy

Dried fruits and nuts are completely natural foods. Nuts grow on the tree and only need to be collected, dried fruit is dried fruit. So what’s wrong with that?

Unfortunately, some dried fruits and nuts concentrate a lot of pollutants, because dried fruits and nuts are perishable foods that can only be preserved in industry with additives.

Nuts in particular are at risk of being attacked by mold and are therefore often treated with fungicides.

After drying, dried fruits contain the same amount of pesticides as they did as fresh fruit.

But since we eat a large amount of dried fruit at once, we also take in many times more of these pollutants.

If dried fruits and nuts are made durable by sulphuring, their positive health effects decrease rapidly!

The sulphurizing destroys vitamin B1 and folic acid, so that the taste is retained, but the vitamins fall by the wayside. It’s not particularly healthy!

Dried fruits and nuts are susceptible to pests. There are several methods that can be used to avoid pest infestation.

In conventional trade, dried fruits and nuts are fumigated with bromomethane in their country of origin, a gas that is not only toxic to pests but also destroys the ozone layer.

This has been banned in Germany since 2006, but not in the countries of origin.

It is therefore worth reaching for organic dried fruits and nuts, because these are fumigated with carbon dioxide to combat pests.

Although this is also a gas that is harmful to the climate, it does not destroy the ozone layer. In addition, Bioware does not contain any toxic pesticides or fungicides.

Dried fruits and nuts contain fiber

How healthy are dried fruits in general?

Unfortunately, it’s not entirely true that dried fruit is just dried fruit. In the best case this is the case, but in the course of the industrial processing of our food this is not always the case.

Most of the dried fruits available in conventional stores are sugared, in the worst case even candied. Then the dried fruit is no longer healthy fruit, but an unhealthy sweet.

Dried fruits concentrate all their positive as well as negative ingredients on a low weight and therefore you eat more of them in a very short time than you would eat fresh from the same fruit.

This is helpful in the case of constipation, for example, but not in terms of the calories it contains. Pollutants such as pesticides, fungicides and herbicides also accumulate in concentrated form.

So if you want to consume dried fruits, choose organic quality, which is generally not allowed to be sulphurized and does not contain any residues of pesticides.

If you then make sure that no sugar has been added, only the calories stand in the way of carefree enjoyment …

Dried fruits and nuts

And how healthy are nuts?

All nuts, seeds and kernels (“oil seeds”) have in common their high content of essential fatty acids.

A lack of essential fatty acids leads to various deficiency symptoms such as skin changes (excessive cornification), susceptibility to infection, growth disorders, hair loss and a lack of blood platelets.

In general, it does not matter what kind of seeds or nuts you use, it depends on the variety and, as everywhere, monotony should be avoided.

To benefit from the many positive properties, 25g per day is enough!

That doesn’t sound like much at first, but if you look at the calorie and fat content of nuts, you will quickly understand why. It is like everywhere: the crowd makes the poison!

As already mentioned, the daily amount should also not exceed 25g. Take a look at the typical pack of peanuts that you might want to crunch in front of the TV: that’s four times this amount and is a guarantee for love handles and obesity, which is anything but beneficial for your health!

So nuts and seeds are unhealthy!

As you can see, dried fruits and nuts are anything but boring. Perhaps in the future you will pay more attention to integrating dried fruits and nuts (in organic quality) into your diet?

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