Which External Characteristics Can Children Inherit Genetically?

Future parents love to think about what their offspring might look like and who they will look the most like.

What external characteristics can children genetically inherit?

Knowing that you are going to be a mother or a father is an incredible feeling. One often asks oneself whether this responsibility will be met, whether the baby will be born healthy and which genetic traits the child will  inherit .

What will it look like? His face, his eyes and his hair?

The  external appearance can be predicted better and better based on genetics. Much remains to be explored in this area, but new technologies are opening up more and more opportunities.

It is known that there are two types of genes and this serves as the basis for predicting genetically inheritable traits.

Dominant genes

As the name suggests, these are  genes that are present in the DNA and dominate others,  they are characteristic-determining.  Therefore, the certainty that these will determine the appearance of your children is very high.

Recessive genes

These are weaker, but that doesn’t mean they have nothing to say. It is possible that these genes do not show up in the direct succession, but are carried in the second generation (in the grandchildren).

Today we invite you to get to know different dates in order to be able to better imagine which traits your child will  inherit  .

What genetic traits will my child inherit?

The eyes

What genetic traits will my child inherit?

The color of the eyes is determined by melanin, which is determined by certain genes.

The concentration of this substance  varies in early childhood,  which explains why many babies are born with light eyes and later develop brown or even almost black eyes.

The dark color is the dominant gene, but before you jump to conclusions, you should take a closer look at the results of certain studies:

  • If both parents have dark eyes, the likelihood that the children will also have the same eye color is 75%, in 18% of the cases the offspring will have green eyes. The likelihood that the children of a dark-eyed couple will have blue eyes is just under 6%.
  • If one parent has green eyes and the other brown eyes, then the probability of dark eyes is only 50%, whereas green eyes occur in 37% and blue in 12% of the cases.
  • Parents with blue and brown eyes have the same chance: 50% for blue and 50% for brown eyes.
  • However, if both parents have green eyes, the chance for that eye color is 75%, in this case only 25% have blue eyes.
  • With a mixture of green and blue, light eye colors are distributed in equal parts.
  • However, if both parents have blue eyes, the children will almost certainly have blue eyes too, the chances of green eyes being only 1%!

Hair color

Children with computer

As with eye color  , the dark color gene also dominates here. 

So if both parents have brown or black hair, the genetic probability that the children will inherit dark hair is very high.

However, if there are blond or red-haired ancestors, it can also happen that, for example, the grandchildren are blond or red-haired, especially if one of the partners also has this hair color.


The dominant gene ensures fleshy lips,  while the recessive gene is responsible for fine lips. It is therefore more likely that the child will inherit fleshy lips too, unless there are grandparents with fine lips, for example.

In this case it is possible that in combination with the genetic information of the partner, the child also has finer lips.


Face of a woman

Here a high nasal bridge dominates over a wide nose. The classic hooked nose is repeated again and again in the same families, even if other outward appearances change.

Face shape

An oval and elongated face dominates over round facial features, but  high cheeks are recessive.

With this data, you can better imagine how your child’s appearance is genetically engineered. Do not forget, however, that physical characteristics are also marked by personality!

The look does not only consist of the color of the eyes, the smile also depends on the arrangement of the teeth …

The soul and  nature will also determine the appearance of your child. In order to raise a child and encourage dreams, we also recommend this post: Raise your children with dreams, not with fear

Can you imagine what your baby will look like now?

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