What To Do If You Have Thoughts Of Suicide?

When someone carries on with thoughts of suicide, it is important to recognize this quickly. This is the best way to help that person.

What to do if you have thoughts of suicide

Thoughts of suicide don’t just come overnight. Usually they are the result of a long path of suffering that often goes unnoticed.

Often times, when someone is depressed, you can’t see it.

According to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO), a person commits suicide every 40 seconds on average. Suicide is a common cause of death in people between the ages of 15 and 44 and is more common in men than women.

Intervening quickly can save lives.

Signs that something is wrong

Men often have suicidal thoughts

Suicide occurs mainly in the young and in the elderly. In general, it mostly affects people who are single and have few friends. Also, thoughts of suicide often arise after the loss of a loved one.

There are several signs that indicate suicidal thoughts. Here are some of them:

  • Neglect of the outside
  • excessive sleeping
  • severe trouble sleeping or insomnia
  • Isolation and avoidance of society
  • Feeling sad or irritable
  • Using phrases like “I’d rather die” or “My life is worthless”
  • complete indifference
  • Abuse of alcohol or other drugs
  • Loss of appetite

There are also cases of hidden depression. The signs are then very subtle and difficult to see.

Affected people often evade when asked about their private life. They may also pretend to be busy all the time, or they may laugh too much.

Loneliness encourages thoughts of suicide

Loneliness encourages thoughts of suicide

If someone is carrying on with thoughts of suicide, it is very important not to leave them alone.

Over time, depressed people isolate themselves more and more from the outside world. You don’t want to talk to anyone. In addition, they have no interest in leaving the house and they cannot maintain a daily routine.

Even if it isn’t easy, you should try to speak to the person concerned.

It is quite normal for people thinking of suicide to turn down any form of conversation. Therefore, be careful not to overwhelm the person by looking overly concerned or anxious.

The main goal of the conversation should be to prevent further isolation.

How can I help?

Help is important with suicidal thoughts

Whenever someone expresses a desire to die, you should always take it seriously. People don’t use these expressions for no reason, especially when they are repetitive.

You definitely have to do something.

Preventive measures you can take on a person with thoughts of suicide include:

  • Openly ask the person how they are feeling. Listen carefully to what she has to say to you.
  • Do not judge. It is very important that you do not evaluate anything the person tells you in any way. This could have the effect that she no longer trusts you with anything.
  • Speak plain text. It’s always better to get straight to the point, so ask the person if they are thinking of suicide. Listen to what she’s saying.
  • Don’t panic. The last thing a person with depression needs is yet another problem that is stressing them out. You are the support.
  • Make her understand what suicide means. Ask the person how they think their friends and family will feel after the suicide.
  • Talk about the problem or the loss. Let the person concerned talk about themselves and their concerns.

Encourage positive thoughts

It makes most sense to help the person see their problem differently.

  • Emphasize the positive side. Ask the person what other good things are in their life. Find out what has kept her from suicide so far.
  • Don’t leave the person alone.
  • Help the person concerned seek professional help. In cases of depression and thoughts of suicide, a psychologist or psychiatrist should definitely be consulted for advice.

If the person concerned flatly refuses to seek help and shows signs of instability, it is high time to act.

Call an ambulance or inform a family member. This is not the time to watch and wait to see what happens.

It could be a life in danger!

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