What The Tongue Can Reveal About Your Soul And Health

There are thousands of nerve endings in the tongue that are directly connected to the organs. Various organ disorders can be read from the color and texture of the tongue.

What the tongue can reveal about your soul and health

. The tongue is also a mirror of soul and health and can reveal a lot about the state of body and mind. Not only does it help with food digestion, but it can also be very helpful in diagnosing various mental and health problems. The tongue contains thousands of nerve endings that are connected to various organs of the body. If problems arise, this can be seen on the tongue by color changes, different textures or stains.

Below you will learn more about the changes that can indicate different illnesses or moods. It is best to watch your tongue in the mirror every day to analyze all the details related to soul and health .

Pink, even tongue

This is the color of a healthy tongue, reflecting balanced lifestyle habits:  a sign of good digestion and a healthy diet. The emotional life also seems to be balanced.

What a red tongue reveals about soul and health

What a pink tongue reveals about soul and health


If the color of the tongue is red, there may be a sore throat or problems with internal organs. This is also a sign of excessive fat consumption and indigestion. Often this color also indicates that the person quickly feels stressed when there are changes.

Dry, reddish tongue

This condition can indicate a high fever,  especially if the tip of the tongue is red. People who are easily irritable and stressed often have a dry, reddish tongue.

Small ulcers on the tongue

What small ulcers on the tongue reveal about soul and health

These mostly appear when a viral or mycotic infection is present. Even with vitamin C or vitamin A deficiency or excessive consumption of refined products (fat, sugar …), small injuries can form in the mouth.

This is also an indication of people who feel annoyed and stressed all the time. Those who are always angry and suppress emotions are also more prone to mouth ulcers. Maintain proper oral hygiene and consult a doctor to treat possible infections.

Inflamed taste buds

A clear sign of a nutritional deficiency. Make sure you eat a healthy, balanced diet, take a cleansing regimen and gently clean your tongue with a tongue or toothbrush after brushing your teeth. It can also be a sign of stress and difficulty adjusting.

White coated tongue

A white coating on the tongue  indicates digestive and intestinal problems. These can result from excessive consumption of saturated fat, refined sugar, or white flour. It can also mean that the person affected has toxemia – the buildup of pollutants in the gut and blood that causes various health problems.

What white coating on the tongue reveals about soul and health


If you notice a white coating on your tongue, it is very important to change your eating habits. Cleaning can also be useful to remove the accumulated pollutants and residues.

You should also avoid saturated fat, refined foods, dairy products, and fried foods. That is good for the soul and health. In addition, the white coating on the tongue can indicate nervousness and feelings of fear. This emotional state can also lead to digestive problems and organ disorders.

Very smooth tongue

A smooth tongue can be due not only to nutritional deficiencies but also to anemia. In this case, it is advisable to consume more foods rich in vitamin C and iron. Even people who are prone to depression and resentment often have a very smooth tongue.

Inflamed tongue

An inflamed tongue  often indicates a reduced hemoglobin level (anemia).

Irregular tongue

If the tongue has large irregularities and a kind of pink, white or red “markings” can be observed, this may be hereditary or indicate  a food allergy or intolerance. They are usually very sensitive people who quickly feel annoyed and irritated.

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