What Helps With High Blood Pressure? 7 Natural Remedies

High blood pressure can be dangerous if it is not controlled, because it could cause cardiovascular diseases that can be life-threatening! 

What helps with high blood pressure?  7 natural remedies

Would you like to know what to  do about high blood pressure  ? Natural remedies can be very effective, especially foods that can help reduce high blood pressure levels.

Blood pressure is  the pressure of the blood in the blood vessels. This is directly dependent on the cardiac output and the vascular resistance.

The normal values ​​are 120/80 (systolic / diastolic blood pressure) mmHg. If the values ​​are more than 140/90 and this occurs frequently or continuously, it is called high blood pressure and appropriate measures must be taken.

Most often, antihypertensive drugs are prescribed and various lifestyle changes are recommended. 
One of the best natural remedies for high blood pressure is undoubtedly a balanced diet. In doing so, you should eat foods that promote proper blood flow and help expel harmful substances.
The following foods should not be missing from this list:

1. Banana for high blood pressure

Bananas for high blood pressure

The banana is characterized by the following properties:

  • It contains many valuable nutrients.
  • Bananas provide energy and are therefore highly recommended after sports activities, for example.
  • They are high in potassium and therefore help regulate blood pressure.

That is why we recommend that you incorporate this delicious fruit into your nutritional plan. In addition, you should reduce the consumption of salt!

Don’t forget that there is a particularly high amount of salt in ready-made products and fast food, which you should avoid.

2. Watermelon

The watermelon is also an excellent natural remedy for high blood pressure,  because it dilates the blood vessels. This can also reduce the risk of a heart attack.

The watermelon contains the active ingredients L-citrulline and L-arginine, two amino acids that  strengthen blood vessels and regulate blood pressure. 

Has your doctor diagnosed you with high blood pressure, but it is not yet a serious problem?

Then you can still prevent complications. The delicious watermelon can be very useful!

3. Bitter melon

Natural remedy for high pressure: bitter gourd

The bitter melon (Momordica charantia) is a tropical fruit that contains many minerals and vitamins (A, B5, B6, C and E).

This fruit not only helps with diabetes, it also promotes digestion and  protects against cardiovascular diseases, as it can be used to reduce blood pressure values ​​in a very simple way. 

However, you should only consume bitter melon in modest amounts because it can also have side effects:

  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Miscarriage
  • increased blood sugar levels

Seek advice from an expert to find out if this fruit is an option for you to help lower blood pressure.

4.Indian gooseberry (amla)

The fruit of the Indian amla tree (Phyllanthus emblica) is rich in vitamin C. It contains around 20 times as much vitamin C as the orange!

Vitamin C has the following benefits, among others:

  • It is a powerful antioxidant that can combat the effects of free radicals in the body.
  • It reduces lipids as it lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

In Ayurvedic medicine one speaks of a miracle fruit,  because it is characterized by numerous health-promoting properties.

Because of this, it has been used for thousands of years to  improve digestion, improve arteries and liver function, and cleanse the blood. 

5. Spinach 

Spinach for high blood pressure

Spinach contains nitrates, which are converted into nitric oxide in the body. This gas has vasodilatory properties.

If you eat spinach every day, you can not only prevent high blood pressure but also a heart attack!
For example, you can make a mixed drink from a cup of spinach (and other ingredients) that will provide you with a lot of energy at the same time!

6. Ground flaxseed

Ground flaxseed can be used for baking bread or in salads. In recent years, flaxseed has become fashionable because it is rich in omega 3 and soluble and insoluble fiber. 

Flaxseed is therefore excellent around

  • reduce high blood pressure,
  • reduce cholesterol and
  • promote heart health.

7. Oatmeal and Wheat Bran 

Wheat bran as a home remedy for high blood pressure

Oatmeal and wheat bran contain a lot of soluble fiber.

Oats in particular are very rich in potassium and calcium. These two nutrients play an important role in the fight against high blood pressure.

The soluble fiber in these grains helps

  • reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood
  • improve insulin sensitivity
  • lower blood pressure and
  • maintain a healthy body weight.

High blood pressure can have serious consequences if you do not take appropriate measures in a timely manner. Even small lifestyle changes can be very helpful. 

In addition, these natural remedies for high blood pressure can serve well.

Include these foods in your diet regularly and don’t forget to get enough exercise to lower your blood pressure!

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