Water-electrolyte Balance: What Is It?

Minerals are nutrients that are ingested in small quantities, but play a very important role in the human body. Discover today how important a balanced hydroelectrolyte balance is and what role minerals play in this.

Water-electrolyte balance: what is it?

A balanced water-electrolyte balance is possible if the body receives sufficient water and minerals. However, if there is a deficiency, this has harmful effects on the organism. For example, a lack of sodium can lead to hyponatremia, which in serious cases could be threatening.

Today we explain interesting facts about the water and electrolyte balance and the most important functions of electrolytes in the organism. You will also  find various recommendations in this article to ensure a balanced hydroelectrolyte balance.


Electrolytes are ionized minerals that  perform various functions in the human body. Many of these are related to osmotic equilibrium or the conduction of nerve stimuli. We will then go into more detail about the most important electrolytes.

Water-electrolyte balance: what is it?
Sufficient water is essential to maintain the water-electrolyte balance.


This mineral is abundant,  so there is very rarely a deficiency that could trigger hyponatremia. Sodium is essential for the transmission of nerve stimuli and is generally vital.

This element also plays an important role in maintaining blood pressure, according to research published in the journal Nutrients . Sodium is osmotic, which means it attracts water. As a result, if you ingest too much of it, blood pressure rises.

Almost all foods contain sodium. Therefore, a deficiency is actually an exceptional situation that normally only occurs when you sweat profusely in a warm, humid environment.

Endurance athletes competing in warm countries must control their intake of this mineral. That is why there are specific drinks that provide them with sodium.


It is the most common mineral in the human body. Calcium resides in the bones and improves bone density. This is important to keep the risk of fractures as low as possible. The scientific evidence confirms that it is very important, especially after menopause, to supply the body with sufficient calcium.

Calcium is also very important for the transmission of nerve stimuli and muscle contractility (both of the heart muscle and the skeletal muscles).


This mineral is also important for the transmission of stimuli in the nerves. It also plays an important role in regulating blood pressure: potassium lowers blood pressure and sodium increases blood pressure. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension found that taking this mineral regularly can lower blood pressure. Therefore, people with high blood pressure should pay particular attention to this in their diet.

A balanced water-electrolyte balance

In order to maintain a balanced water-electrolyte balance, it is very important to drink enough water. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty, because that only happens when your body has already lost too much water.

It’s a good idea to keep drinking smaller amounts of water throughout the day. It is best to avoid carbonated drinks. It has been confirmed that repeated consumption of sugary drinks is harmful to your health, so you should opt for alternatives such as water or herbal tea.

Sufficient minerals for a balanced water-electrolyte balance

In order to guarantee the supply of minerals, it is advisable to add a little more salt to your food after intense exercise (especially in summer). This can help reduce your risk of hyponatremia. However, people with sedentary lifestyles should be careful with sodium and adjust the intake according to their needs in order to avoid high blood pressure.

Put together a healthy and varied eating plan that should be high in vegetables. Fruit and vegetables provide important micronutrients. You can use it to supply your body with important minerals and prevent deficiency symptoms.

You should also get enough calcium every day to prevent bone problems. Calcium is found in abundance in dairy products, dried fruits and oily fish. Canned sardines, for example, are excellent as a preventive measure against osteoporosis.

Water-electrolyte balance: what is it?
Sports drinks provide you with specific nutrients during intense activity.

A balanced water-electrolyte balance to stay healthy

You now know how important  a balanced water-electrolyte balance is. Make sure you have an adequate supply of water and minerals, especially after intense physical activity.

You can easily maintain your water-electrolyte balance if you follow our recommendations. Do not forget that a diet high in vegetables, dairy products, and oily fish are beneficial in achieving this goal.

If you have an illness,  it is best to seek advice from an expert. And also remember that you should be very careful with salt if you have high blood pressure.

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