Turmeric Drink: 8 Wonderful Benefits

This turmeric drink has anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and dehydrating effects and is therefore very helpful in the fight against various diseases, such as arthritis.

Turmeric Drink: 8 Wonderful Benefits

Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) is a medicinal plant from the ginger family (Zingiberaceae), which is also known as turmeric or incorrectly as Indian saffron. There are many benefits to a  turmeric drink.

This root has long been valued in the kitchen and in naturopathy  because it contains many very healthy nutrients. 

Turmeric gives the various dishes a more intense taste and a wonderfully beautiful color!

A wide variety of home remedies can be prepared with it, as the yellow root has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
Since turmeric contains a high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, it is assumed that this root can also be very helpful in the prevention and treatment of various cancers.
This spice is very versatile and can also be used for a wide variety of dishes.
Today we recommend a healing turmeric drink that you can take regularly  to promote physical and cognitive well-being. 
Then you will learn how you can prepare this turmeric drink and the benefits it has.

1. Turmeric drink: Helps with arthritis


Arthritis patients can benefit greatly from this turmeric drink.

It has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects,  relieves pain and reduces the stiffness of the joints. 

2. Prevention against Alzheimer’s

The active ingredient curcumin, which distinguishes this yellow root,  reduces inflammation in the brain and also slows down cell damage caused by free radicals.

In this way, age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s can be prevented.

3. Turmeric drink: Reduces the risk of cancer

Cancer cells

The antioxidants found in turmeric root are very effective in fighting free radicals as well as abnormal cells that could cause cancer.

They inhibit the negative effects of harmful substances in the organism  and at the same time slow down the growth of malignant cells.

4. Helps with digestive problems

This natural drink with turmeric helps with indigestion and then reduces stomach acid. This can prevent stomach ulcers and heartburn.

In addition, it stimulates the metabolism,  promotes intestinal peristalsis and enables the correct digestion of food. 

5. Protects heart health

Regular consumption of this drink is excellent for controlling bad cholesterol (LDL) levels as well as triglycerides.

The antioxidants it contains promote the excretion of lipids that are deposited in the arteries and help prevent atherosclerosis.

The drink is also very useful in preventing arterial plaque from building up, as well as preventing disorders such as high blood pressure.

6. Promotes liver health

The beneficial properties of turmeric root promote a balance of bilirubin and bile, two secretions very important for liver health.

The essential nutrients of turmeric optimize the functions of the liver and  at the same time reduce inflammation and the accumulation of pollutants and also prevent fatty liver. 

7. Against premature aging


This natural drink is not only effective against the aging of cells in the internal organs, it also helps to prevent external signs of aging, which can occur prematurely.

With it you can keep your skin and hair young longer!

8. Regulates blood sugar levels

By stimulating the sugar metabolism, turmeric can also help patients with type 2 diabetes.

If you have a glass of this drink every day,  you can lower blood sugar levels significantly.

How is this juice made with turmeric?


There are so many turmeric drink recipes out there. Today we are going to present you a very simple recipe that – as already mentioned – has a strong detoxifying and draining effect.


  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon turmeric powder (10 g)
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


  • Bring the water to a boil and then add the turmeric powder.
  • Take off the stove and let it steep for a moment. Then add the lemon juice.
  • Put the drink in the cold, then add the honey.
  • Drink one or two glasses a day.


  • You shouldn’t use more turmeric than recommended because too much of a good thing could be irritating to the digestive system.
  • Patients with gallstones should avoid this drink  as it could cause colic.
  • If you are taking blood-thinning or anti-inflammatory medication, you should discuss with your doctor whether this drink is right for you.

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