Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Method Against High Blood Pressure

Get to know a method with which blood pressure can be reduced in TCM

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) method for high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a widespread disease. Everyone knows people who suffer from high blood pressure. Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) could help.

Many are affected without even knowing it. The doctor determines the high blood pressure, prescribes antihypertensive agents, the patient is left to fend for himself. Today we’re going to introduce you to a method for lowering blood pressure that you should try.

High blood pressure in TCM

Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) does not know about high blood pressure as such, because in TCM no blood pressure is measured.

It is only felt how well the blood is flowing – and also with what pressure. However, one does not know concrete numbers of the pressure in TCM.

In the imagination of TCM, a noticeably increased blood pressure arises from energy blockages that have to be released so that the blood can flow better again with less pressure.

This energy blockage can be solved with methods of TCM. We’ll introduce one of them in the course of the article.

Blood pressure

High blood pressure in conventional medicine

The most common reason for blood pressure to rise is , quite simply, body weight increasing. Being overweight does not necessarily lead to high blood pressure, but high blood pressure is a common “side effect” of being overweight.

Since being overweight can result not only in high blood pressure, but also other diseases and health risks, it is more than sensible to reduce your body weight not only to lower your blood pressure.

Salt is also commonly known as the “culprit” when it comes to high blood pressure. The studies on this subject are inconclusive, which is why it cannot be said with certainty that increased consumption of salt also increases blood pressure.

What is certain, however, is that reducing salt consumption can lower blood pressure. Stress can also increase blood pressure.

So high blood pressure is not a disease that you have to indulge in, but mostly a disorder that you can regulate yourself. However, you should always be accompanied by a doctor and never stop taking medication yourself or take lower doses.

Lower blood pressure

Doctors seldom inform their patients that the high blood pressure is in most cases homemade and can be lowered in the same way as it was raised: through one’s own behavior!

Of course, none of this is as easy as swallowing pills – but how useful is it to “dope” with chemicals every day when you can regulate your blood pressure naturally?

Regardless of whether you decide to use traditional Chinese medicine or other methods to lower your blood pressure: it is important in any case not to discontinue the antihypertensive drugs on your own!

Regular check-ups with your family doctor to adjust the dosage of antihypertensive medication are important.

TCM ear

TCM method

We are now introducing you to a method of TCM with which you can try to lower your blood pressure. It may not work right away the first time, but it could very well be that you will see measurable results soon.

Look carefully at the photo and find the line between point one and point two on your own neck. First locate point one and then, with light pressure with your finger, run along your neck up to your collarbone to point two.

Massage this line on both sides of your neck at the same time by stroking up and down 10 times with pressure.

Then look for point three on either side of your head. Massage this also with light pressure and a circular movement of your thumb on both sides at the same time. Look at the clock and massage for at least one minute with constant pressure.

In the imagination of traditional Chinese medicine, this is how the energy blockages that are held responsible for the blood flowing with increased pressure are released.


Further help against high blood pressure

There are many methods of lowering blood pressure that you are welcome to try all together, as they are not mutually exclusive, but rather reinforce each other:

Another very simple way to lower blood pressure is regular exercise.

This also leads to a long-term weight reduction, because more exercise increases the basal metabolic rate.

If the additional exercise is not “balanced out” by additional food, a classic digestive walk or an extended “walk” with the dog will help you lose weight and thus lower your blood pressure.

Don’t let the high blood pressure put you under additional stress, because stress can also lead to high blood pressure!

Work on reducing stress, restructure your everyday life, create moments in which you can switch off. And if that is also in the form of exercise or a walk in the fresh air, you are literally killing two birds with one stone!

Again and again one reads that red wine is “heart healthy”. Recent studies indicate that it is due to the red color of the grapes and not the wine itself.

Alcohol can also increase blood pressure. A conscious use of alcohol also helps to keep blood pressure under control and, if necessary, even to lower it. And the red grapes taste good even without wine!

What is certain is that reducing salt consumption can lower blood pressure. Instead of systematically adding salt to all dishes, it is a good idea, for example, to simply get rid of the salt shaker on the table.

In addition, low-salt dishes do not necessarily have to taste bland: If you use a lot of (fresh) herbs and spices instead of a lot of salt, a taste experience unfolds, compared to which salty food just tastes bland!

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