Too Many Toxins In The Body? 9 Possible Signs

Various signs can indicate that the organism is overloaded because too many toxins accumulate in it.

Too Many Toxins in the Body?  9 possible signs

A balanced diet and healthy lifestyle help reduce toxins in the body, but you can still suffer from the consequences.

Environmental toxins enter the body through air, water, food and other sources and this often overloads the elimination mechanisms. Pollutants can accumulate in the organism and cause physical or emotional reactions.

While it is not easy to tell, there are a number of signs that you should be aware of. Then you will learn more about it. 

1. Constant fatigue from toxins in the body


If the organism is overloaded with the removal of toxins, one often feels constant tiredness despite enough sleep.

Exhaustion, difficulty concentrating and the need to sleep during the day indicate that the body needs support and should be detoxified.

2. Weight gain

Losing weight is not easy and often requires persistence and willpower. A balanced diet and daily exercise are crucial.

However, if you continue to gain weight despite eating a healthy diet and exercising, it could be a hormonal problem.

There are several reasons for this. Too many toxins in the diet or in care products can also be responsible for this.

3. Constipation


The bowel plays an essential role in eliminating toxins.

Constipation or difficulty having a bowel movement can also indicate a  buildup of pollutants.  This can also lead to stomach upset, inflammation and difficulty absorbing nutrients.

4. Skin problems

The skin can also tell when too many pollutants have accumulated in the blood or tissue. This can lead to rashes or allergic reactions.

In addition, dark circles or bags under the eyes, eczema and psoriasis can occur.

5. Increased body temperature


Elevated body temperature is also a common symptom that the accumulation of toxins is overloading the liver.  This leads to increased sweat production as our body tries to excrete toxins through the skin.

6. Constant headache

Toxins accumulated in the blood  affect the nervous system,  which is sensitive. They then trigger negative reactions such as constant headaches.

7. Accumulation of belly fat


Detoxification makes it easier to lose weight, as it removes toxins that promote fat storage on the stomach.

The toxins also affect blood sugar and cholesterol levels, which increases the accumulation of belly fat.

8. Bad breath

In the case of bad breath despite thorough oral hygiene, the cause can be found in digestive disorders and the accumulation of toxins in the liver.

The intestinal flora is disturbed, bacteria spread in the mouth, on the teeth and on the gums. As a result, bad breath develops.

The excess of toxins in the blood creates a yellowish coating on the tongue, which leads to bad smell or inflammation.

9. Gallstones


Gallstones can also arise from the  accumulation of residues in the bile  .

The liver secretes a thick fluid into the bile, which can lead to constipation and biliary build-up.

Do you identify these signals? If this is actually the case, you should avoid processed foods,  drink plenty of water, and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

To support the elimination of toxins, a detox diet or detoxifying drinks are recommended  .

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