Tonic With Banana And Honey

This tonic is quickly produced and provides energy and minerals that are readily available

Tonic with banana and honey

With this tonic you can strengthen yourself or your children in times of illness or other kind of weakness quickly, cheaply and healthily and provide yourself or others with important vitamins and minerals.

The tonic is also quick to prepare and so delicious!

The tonic for all cases

There are many situations when this natural tonic makes sense and provides you or others with quick energy, vitamins, and minerals. Some examples are:

  • Diarrheal diseases
  • Gastrointestinal complaints
  • Loss of appetite
  • fever
  • athlete
  • Hypoglycemia

Children especially like this tonic, but adults also like it when it doesn’t look very appetizing.

If you like, you can also mix the tonic with some animal or plant-based milk in order to add liquid as well.


Tonic made from two ingredients

The tonic consists of just two ingredients: banana and honey.

Everyone always has these two ingredients ready and in stock, so you don’t have to go shopping to prepare them.

This is a good argument, especially if you need the tonic because of your own weakness.

You should make sure that the bananas you want to use are as ripe as possible, because then they contain a lot of fructose, which is converted from the starch of the banana in the course of the ripening process.

Ripe bananas are also easier to puree or mash with a fork.

For the sake of simplicity, you should use honey that is liquid so that it is easier to stir into the banana.

It doesn’t matter whether you use blossom honey or forest honey for this.

Make sure that the honey has the organic seal, so you can be sure that the bees have only collected pollen where no toxic pesticides, herbicides and fungicides have been used that get into the honey with the pollen.

Banana paste


You don’t need time or expensive ingredients or accessories to prepare the tonic because you only need these two ingredients

  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 2 tablespoons of honey

Mash the ripe bananas into a creamy pulp or puree. This works well with a fork and, much faster, with a hand blender.

Then mix the honey into the mashed banana to make a creamy, slightly slimy pulp. Your tonic is ready!


The tonic is ready to use immediately after preparation and you should also use it quickly, otherwise the banana will begin to turn brown.

Then spoon the porridge like a kind of pudding or snack to enjoy the benefits and notice the effects in no time.

Children in particular may find the appearance a bit disgusting, which is why it is a good idea for you to regulate your fluid balance to process the tonic with (plant-based or animal) milk into a very sweet and delicious drink.

You should also drink this immediately after preparation.

Benefits of the tonic made from banana and honey

First and foremost, bananas and honey are ideal for strengthening because they are particularly high in simple carbohydrates.

These can be absorbed by the body within a very short time and transported very quickly through the bloodstream to all parts of the body that require energy.

Your brain and muscle mass, in particular, rely on carbohydrates to function properly.

With banana and honey you provide the entire musculoskeletal system and your brain with important and fast energy, you will feel strengthened within a very short time.

Bananas are also rich in vitamins and minerals, above all potassium, which is important for the correct transmission of stimuli from nerves in muscles and the heart, and is also involved in processes that regulate the water balance.

It is important to pay attention to your potassium intake, especially in the case of illnesses that affect the digestive system or lead to sweating.

Side effects

People suffering from diabetes should also refrain from using this tonic.  It aims to raise blood sugar levels sharply in a short period of time, which is counterproductive in diabetes.

Healthy people usually develop appetite or hunger about 30 to 60 minutes after consuming this tonic. The falling blood sugar level triggers this.

This effect is deliberate, because in order to really strengthen the body, it needs more nutrients than banana and honey can provide.

The tonic is therefore also very well suited to stimulate the appetite and arouse the feeling of hunger in the case of loss of appetite.

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