Tips For Relaxation In Case Of Nervousness And Stress

We all suffer from stress sometimes. But even in tense, hectic situations, it is possible not to lose your nerve. These simple tips can help.

Tips for relaxation in case of nervousness and stress

What can you do when you are nervous and  stressed  ? When you feel like you are losing control of your body?

Extreme stress for social or emotional reasons can lead to anxiety situations, but also to sweating, tremors, hopelessness, crying, etc.

In this post you will find 4 tips that can help you to maintain self-control in stressful situations and when you are very nervous.

Swallowing in case of nervousness and stress

If you are very nervous, your mouth will be dry. This happens because the sympathetic nervous system is activated, which alerts us to danger, as it does in animals that are exposed to danger.

This tip will help you relax quickly and inconspicuously,  as it can be performed anywhere and at any time,  even when you are among people.


As soon as you notice your mouth getting dry, move your tongue as if you were chewing to generate saliva. As soon as you feel the saliva in your mouth, you swallow it until you can calm your nerves again.


Breathe consciously

Normally we breathe unconsciously, even if breathing is vital, it is often limited or blocked. But breathing not only enables us to live, it also ensures a balanced nervous system. 

If you are already breathing inadequately in a normal state, it is even worse in a crisis situation.

For this reason, our second tip for relaxation and balance is to combat this inertia of the organism.


  • If possible, this exercise is performed sitting or lying down. If there is no other way, you can do it while standing.
  • Close your eyes and  concentrate on your breathing.
  • The natural, full movement of breathing first fills the lower abdominal area and then slowly ascends to the lungs to fill the chest with air.
  • Exactly the opposite is the case when exhaling: first the lungs are emptied and then the abdomen.
  • You breathe slowly with one hand on your stomach and one hand on your  chest to feel the movement.
  • The breathing process should not be forced, the air fills the stomach and chest area gradually and naturally.
    Exercises stress

    Breast massage

    Some feel uncomfortable pressure on the chest in extremely stressful situations or when nervous The heart and the pericardium suffer particularly from negative, intense emotions.

    This recommendation is about finding relaxation if you feel constricted in these situations and you feel pressure on your chest.


    • This exercise is best done lying down so that you can apply more pressure without fatigue immediately. However, it can also be performed while sitting or standing.
    • Place the inner palm on the center of the chest, the sternum, if possible directly on the skin.
    • Put the other hand on it and apply pressure.
    • This pressure moves the skin.  This activates the breast tissue, which contracts when stressed.
    • Carry out slow, circular movements,  always clockwise.
    Massage stress

    Rescue drops

    This is a remedy made from Bach flowers,  which brings immediate improvement in a wide variety of difficult situations. The rescue or emergency drops help to react more calmly and with more consciousness.

    These are available in health food stores, some pharmacies or from Bach flower therapists. It is best to always have the emergency drops on hand so that you can benefit from them if necessary.


    • You can take the Rescue drops for several hours, days or weeks, but they should not become a regular treatment. As the name suggests, these drops are only used in an emergency.  For chronic or prolonged illnesses, an individual mix of different Bach flowers can be made.
    • Put 4 drops of the remedy under your tongue – for example, you can take this every 5 minutes, every half hour, every hour, etc. until you feel improvement. There is no overdose.
    • Bach flowers have no side effects or contraindications,  so children and pregnant women can also benefit from them.

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