Tinnitus – What Can I Do?

This buzzing, ringing and hissing, called tinnitus, can have various reasons. Here you can find advice and remedies that can help you.

Tinnitus - What Can I Do?

Ringing in the ears (also called tinnitus ) is a perceptual phenomenon consisting of beating and ringing noises in the ears that do not come from an external source.

This buzzing, ringing, and hissing noise can be for various reasons. Here you will find advice and remedies that can help you.

Identify the cause of tinnitus

Tinnitus can appear and disappear again selectively. In most cases, the causes are harmless, such as noise that is too loud, exertion, or natural occurrences such as differences in atmospheric pressure.

However, if the noises in the ears persist, direct ear diseases (otitis media, excess ear secretions, injuries, infections) and other diseases (cardiovascular problems, diabetes, thyroid problems and allergies) should not be ruled out.

Note that tinnitus can also arise as a side effect of medication. As already mentioned with many other symptoms and clinical pictures, stress – one of the great culprits of our time – can also be the trigger for the development of this disease.

If this is the case in your case, it is worth taking relaxing plant extracts (e.g. passion flower, valerian or lemon balm). We should also make sure that we have enough time every day for sport and nature (parks, forests, beaches).


Garlic can help with tinnitus

In some cases, the tinnitus can be caused by high blood pressure. If you measure your blood pressure and find it is higher than normal, we recommend that you eat some raw garlic every day.

In addition, garlic also the method of choice if the cause of the ringing in the ears is inflammation. In this case, you can also put half of a whole garlic on the ear and repeat this for several days.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are very rich in calcium, they  were already used in ancient China for tinnitus, whereby they can also reduce the volume of the noises in the ears. You can eat the sesame seeds in the following ways:

  • Raw or roasted
  • Cold-pressed oils, raw
  • Tahini (sesame paste)
  • Gomasio (roasted sesame seeds with salt)
  • Halva (a sweet sesame dessert)
Sesame seeds help against tinnitus


The geranium can help to reduce the frequency of noise in the ears, or even (in some cases) to eliminate it completely.  The plant extract is applied locally.

Simply let a piece of the plant soak in 250 ml of 40% alcohol and put the extract in the ear with a pipette (ideally at least three times a day).


With rosemary the circulation gets going again. We recommend taking two to three infusions a day. You can also take rosemary extract, which has an even stronger effect.

Rosemary can help with tinnitus

Muscle tension

Muscle problems are very common, especially when we have to sit or stand for long hours or have to do a lot of physical exertion during working hours. Tension in the neck area can trigger tinnitus.

In order to achieve a noticeable improvement here, we recommend that you consult an osteopath or a physiotherapist, and also do daily exercises that can relax the entire area above the back.

Also, a lower jaw tension can affect the ear health. People who suffer from bruxism put constant pressure on their lower jaw, both during the day and at night.

A craniosacral osteopath can also help you figure out the causes of tinnitus.

Ginkgo biloba

The medicinal plant Ginkgo biloba supplies the entire head area (and also the legs) with oxygen. Ginkgo is particularly recommended for people who suffer from concentration problems, poor memory, headaches, poor blood circulation or varicose veins, etc.

Ear candle

The Hopi candle or ear candle is a surprising and very effective remedy. The Native American people developed this handmade cone using beeswax, herbs, and medicinal extracts.

It is inserted vertically into the ear, with the upper end lit. During this process, earwax plugs and other pollutants are loosened and passed out of the ear.

The candle must not be used in the case of a tear in the eardrum, allergies or skin problems in the outer area of ​​the ear, nor in the case of otitis media or infections. You can buy the candle in pharmacies, medicinal herb stores or in health centers with a focus on natural remedies.


Hopi candles for tinnitus

 Images courtesy of sweetbeetandgreenbean, net-efekt, and welovepandas

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