This Is How Children Get An Appetite

If your child has no appetite, you should pay him more attention, because if a child suddenly eats badly, there is a high probability that something has hit his stomach emotionally .

This is how children get an appetite

A child with no appetite pokes around listlessly at the food and pecks only the smallest portions like a bird. The food gets cold, we complain, you as a mother worry about whether your child is getting enough nutrients for healthy growth and development. Try our tricks, because that’s how children get an  appetite!

Children with no appetite need attention

If your child has no appetite, you should pay more attention to him, because if a child suddenly eats badly, then the probability is high that something has hit him emotionally on the stomach, that something “hatches” and either psychological or health problems Has.

Before you scold your child for not showing any appetite, carefully inquire whether there might be problems at school or with your child’s friends.

If the loss of appetite comes suddenly and you cannot find the reason, please go to the pediatrician. If he doesn’t find a cause, he will explain to you that there are also “bad eaters” among the children and that you don’t have to worry too much.

Then try the following tips to help your children get an appetite:

Fruit before meals to give children an appetite

This trick to whet your child’s appetite is to bring the blood sugar level to its knees, then trigger cravings in the child.

You can do this by giving your child something at least 30 minutes, at least an hour before they eat, which causes a very rapid and high rise in blood sugar levels.

That could be:

  • A small glass of grape juice
  • A sweet apple
  • Other sweet fruit (apricot, strawberry, etc.)
  • A piece of glucose

With the rapid rise in blood sugar levels, the pancreas also expels a lot of insulin to help blood sugar return to normal. In expectation of a further, larger amount of sugar, however, too much insulin is usually released, which leads to a drop in blood sugar. This then results in real cravings and your child gets a big appetite.

Only serve small portions so that children get an appetite

A small children’s plate that is overloaded with food overwhelms your child at first sight. “I can’t / I don’t want to eat that much!” It will think and immediately take a defensive action. The same amount of food on a large “adult” plate looks like much less food and does not overwhelm the child.

If your child is too small for “adult dishes” or insists on their small children’s plates, reduce the amount of food you put on them. At first sight, the child should think “I can do it!”  This means that the first inhibition threshold disappears when the food is served.

Get an appetite through exercise

Exercise increases the basal metabolic rate and creates appetite and hunger. If your child moves, the hunger will come at some point. True to the motto “hunger drives it in”, the appetite is stimulated and the child is automatically brought to eat.

A sports group for children in which your child can meet up with friends, a new hobby in a gymnastics club, in ballet school or in athletics or football – there are many ways to motivate your child to exercise, if you are not in a house with a large one Garden to romp around. Find out more and motivate your child!

Fresh air

We adults know that too: fresh air makes you hungry! This also has to do with thermogenesis, especially in winter. This process describes the loss of energy through heat loss. If it is cold outside, your body loses more energy through the body surface in the form of heat, which has to be replenished with food (calories).

That doesn’t mean you should send your child out into the snow without a jacket, that much should be clear. It is ideal if you combine the stay in the fresh air with exercise: a short bike tour (even if it is only to the supermarket “on the green meadow”), a snowball fight, a walk in the forest, treasure hunt (geocaching), … there are many possibilities for moderate exercise in the fresh air to whet your child’s appetite!

No snacks between meals!

What makes us adults fat kills our children’s appetite: snacks. Anyone who snacks constantly in between times is rarely hungry when it is time to eat. If we are, why should our children be any different? Do not try, because your child ate badly at lunch, to “make up” for the “lost” meal with snacks!

If you constantly serve snacks between meals, your child will neither be hungry nor hungry the next time they eat together – and unfortunately you can blame yourself for this. Snacks between meals are taboo, even for you. And drinks are also basically calorie-free, because even a juice or milk drink will fill children …

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