These Foods Help Against Depression

Many people suffer from depression or depressive moods. We’ll show you which foods can help naturally.

These foods help fight depression

To mitigate the effects of depression, make sure you choose foods that are good for the nervous system and brain. We’ll show you the most effective foods for depression.

There are many factors that can trigger depression. Fortunately, certain nutrients help keep them under control. In fact, some foods improve the production of seortonin and endorphins, also known as happiness hormones. In this way, they cheer you up and help  against depression.

Why is it important to pay attention to your diet? What foods should you be eating? Many people have no idea what role diet plays in depression. In this article you will find out which important aspects there are to consider. We also have some tips for you on which diet is the right one for depression.

Eating for depression

Depression and depressive moods are a common problem and affect a large part of the world’s population. Usually they are accompanied by deep sadness, which can also lead to irritability, hopelessness and general fatigue.

Eating healthy helps fight depression

Depression is spreading faster and faster these days because many people ignore the symptoms. They seek help only when it has reached a critical stage and is already affecting the quality of life. Often children and adolescents are also affected, but dealing with depression is even more difficult for them.

Many factors are involved in the development of depression, most of which are emotional. But environmental factors, hormone fluctuations and an unhealthy lifestyle can also favor them.

Treatment options are many and vary from person to person and depending on the severity of the depression. However, changes in diet are definitely recommended. You should pay attention to foods that promote mental stability. In the following we will introduce you to some of them.

Recommended foods for depression

In general, a diet specifically designed to treat depression has all of the characteristics of a balanced diet. The big difference, however, is that it increases your intake of certain nutrients that act as natural antidepressants. Among others, these are:

  • Vitamin C  is responsible for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and reduces the side effects of free radicals.
  • Folic acid,  or vitamin B9, helps the body increase serotonin levels.
  • Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that helps you relax and also increases serotonin levels.
  • Phenylalanine is another amino acid that stimulates the production of endorphins.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids ensure mental stability, increase concentration and prevent depression.
  • Calcium and magnesium  improve the production of neurotransmitters.
  • Potassium calms the nervous system, reduces irritability and fights depression.

Food for a better mood

Foods that cheer you up can be included in any diet to help fight depression.

Green leafy vegetables

Vegetables help against depression

Because of their high magnesium content, leafy green vegetables help calm the nervous system. This makes them particularly suitable for treating anxiety and depression.


Nuts improve our well-being due to their high content of omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain amino acids and minerals such as potassium and magnesium.


Flaxseed or linseed oil contain omega-3 fatty acids that help strengthen your nervous system. They also reduce inflammation and improve heart health.


In a special diet against depression, cocoa should not be missing. The amino acids contained improve the production of serotonin, the neurotransmitter for feelings of happiness.


Eggs are rich in vitamin B12 and amino acids. That makes them a particularly nutritious food. The nutrients balance the activity of your nervous system and help prevent anxiety and depression.

More foods for depression

  • Chia seeds and sunflower seeds
  • Avocados
  • Oranges
  • Natural yoghurt
  • lean meat
  • Oily fish
  • Beans
  • Watercress
  • whole grain products

You should avoid these foods

Unfortunately, depression is often accompanied by cravings for certain unhealthy foods. Not only do they make your depression worse, they make you gain weight and are unhealthy in other ways. You should avoid the following foods as much as possible:

Sugar doesn't help with depression
  • hot dog
  • refined sugar 
  • Effervescent and other soft drinks
  • fried foods and other fast food
  • alcohol
  • too much caffeine
  • sweet particles and other sweets
  • White flour products
  • fat cheeses


Certain foods have the ability to improve your mood and help with depression. They will make for medium- and long-term improvements if you incorporate them into your diet on a regular basis.

Just changing your diet is not enough, however, to treat depression. If you suffer from depression, you should definitely see a doctor or seek advice from a therapist. Professional help is important to get rid of the disease sustainably.

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