The 7 Best Protein Sources For Vegans

Vegans do not consume food of animal origin. Therefore, they need other sources of protein to avoid possible nutritional deficiencies. Here we introduce you to some plant-based foods that provide just the right amount.

The 7 best sources of protein for vegans

Many people want to learn more about alternative sources of protein for vegans. Because it is often said that a vegan diet causes a lack of protein. This is because they do without meat and any animal products.

There is no denying that vegans live on a fairly strict diet. But the good news: It is possible to achieve a healthy and balanced diet in this way too.

To do this, however, you should know a little about food beforehand. For example, which of them can replace meat and dairy products.

Proteins are one of the basic nutrients for the biological processes in our body. They are part of the tissues and organs that are involved in digestion, circulation and muscle mass building.

In fact , the foods that contain protein are an important source of energy. They enable us to optimize our athletic performance. They also prevent exhaustion and poor concentration.

So what are the best sources of protein for vegans? We present 7 possibilities to you here. There are many ways you can include them all in your diet.

The best sources of protein for vegans

Who says you have to eat meat to get the right amount of protein? Of course, it’s true that animal products contain a lot of it. But there are many sources of protein for vegans that meet needs in a similar way.

These foods are lower in calories and also contain essential amino acids. They are also very filling. They can also help you maintain a healthy weight without breaking the rules of the vegan diet.

1. Soy and tofu

Sofu and tofu as protein sources for vegans

Soy and tofu are at the top of the list of protein foods for vegans. Both are characterized by a particularly high protein content. They contain about 37 g of high quality biological protein per 100 grams. They are also very low in saturated fat.

Soy derivatives like tempeh and soy burgers are also good options for a vegan diet. Among other things, they provide important nutrients such as calcium and iron.

2. Quinoa

Without a doubt, quinoa has managed to position itself as one of the preferred foods of vegan dieters. Each cup of cooked quinoa contains between 17-18 g of vegetable protein. In addition, it provides a large amount of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates.

Consuming quinoa regularly can help lower cholesterol levels and lower the risk of diabetes. In addition, this pseudo-grain is low in calories. That is why it is often used for diets.

3. Seitan

The (or the) seitan is also known as “vegetable meat”. It is a food made from wheat protein (gluten) and has a meat-like consistency. Seitan is an important source of protein for vegans. 100 grams of it contain around 20 g of protein.

Seitan is healthy and low in calories. And it doesn’t contain cholesterol or too much harmful fats. Even so, it is best to combine it with other types of grain. Because this way you can avoid possible nutritional deficiencies.

4. Legumes

Legumes as a source of protein for vegans

There is no doubt about the role that legumes play in any diet plan. They don’t just contain vegan protein. In addition, they also provide them with iron, zinc, magnesium and other minerals. Otherwise, you may all miss out on this type of diet.

When combined with some whole grains, legumes can provide the amino acids the body needs. But not only that. The amount they deliver is comparable to that of meat and other foods of animal origin. For example, a cup of lentils contains up to 18g of protein.

Other recommended legumes are:

  • Beans
  • Peas
  • Chickpeas
  • soy

5. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are small, but they have it all. Believe it or not, this tiny food is a great source of vegetable protein, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidant compounds.

They  are made up of up to 14% protein (4 grams per 2 tablespoons). This of course makes them ideal for any vegan menu.

6. Spinach

Spinach as a source of protein for vegans

Good news for those looking for high protein vegan foods. Spinach can also contribute a considerable amount of this.

These delicious green vegetables contain around 5 grams and are also high in vitamin A, calcium, iron and zinc.

7. Nuts

Nuts and other dried fruits are particularly important in a vegan diet. They are high energy foods. This is because their calorie content is high. And they provide nutrients like proteins and fatty acids.

Each ¼ cup contains between 5 and 7 grams of protein. They’re also great sources of omega-3 compounds, calcium, and antioxidants. These are beneficial for brain and heart health.

Do you also worry about protein deficiency in a vegan diet? As you can see here, there are many foods that contain protein for vegans. Just try using them in your dishes. So they can provide you with the amount of protein you need.

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