The 5 Best Fruits For The Intestines

It is common knowledge that fruits and vegetables are good for digestion. But there are also fruits that are particularly healthy for your intestines.

The 5 best fruits for the intestines

Digestive complaints are one of the diseases of civilization. A low-fiber diet with too few fruits and vegetables often leads to constipation and other ailments. Today we name the  5 best fruits for the  intestine that can effectively support it in its activities.

Fruit: fiber for a healthy intestine

In general, fruit has a healthy amount of fiber. They are present in it in soluble and insoluble form. Soluble fiber is what you don’t see but which is still good for your gut and health.

The pectins in apples are one of them, for example. It is they who also make jam gel. They are water-soluble and cannot be seen with the naked eye. The second group of fiber can already be seen on the plate.

These are insoluble fibers that cannot be digested, but provide valuable support to your digestive tract. They are found in the pods of fruit, but also in whole grain cereals, kernels, seeds and nuts.


Why fiber?

In today’s modern diet with many industrially manufactured meals and foods, there is a lack of fiber. Dietary fiber ensures a high volume of stool and nourishes the healthy intestinal bacteria – our actual digestive organ.

Dietary fiber is also said to be helpful in preventing colon cancer. Studies also suggest that a high-fiber breakfast can even lower cholesterol. So, helping your gut with fiber from fruit is a good place to start.

The important thing is: Do not consume the fruit as juice, but always the whole fruit. If possible, refrain from peeling the fruit, because the peel (of e.g. apple, pear, peach, etc.) offers you an additional, good supply of fiber!

Because the peel of fruit is often treated with pesticides, fungicides, wax and other pollutants, make sure you buy organically grown fruit so that you can eat it unpeeled with a clear conscience! Fruit for the intestines should always be eaten with the skin on.


Fruits for the intestines: apples

As mentioned earlier, apples contain two types of fiber. The invisible pectins and the visible pectins in the peel. In order to use the pectins, it is important to chew the apple well.

Do you remember the home remedy for diarrhea: grated apple? It is so effective because the pectin is released on the apple grater.

You can achieve the same effect by chewing the apple well. If you also eat it with the shell on, you provide your intestines with twice the useful fiber.


Plums and plums

In late summer these fruits for the intestines are everywhere again. Their “siblings” the pure claws and mirabelle plums are just as suitable as plums and plums to provide your intestines with many little “helpers” to maintain the healthy intestinal flora through dietary fiber.

Fresh, they also provide you with a lot of important vitamins and minerals. But they also help wonderfully in winter as dried fruit to make the work of your intestines easier. Prunes are a traditional remedy for constipation.


Fruits for the intestines: raspberries

What is less well known is that raspberries are also excellent sources of fiber. If you think about it, you will quickly find out for yourself why. Their little kernels, which are in every little ball, are a digestive aid for you!

Chewing them well will allow them to absorb more fluid and increase the volume of the stool by swelling. That gets your bowels going!


Currants and blueberries

No matter what color the currants are, whether red, black or yellowish, they all have a high fiber content. This is due on the one hand to the very firm skin that surrounds each berry, and on the other hand to the large number of small pips inside the fruit.

If you think about it, you will see why fruit is always better if you eat it whole and not as juice from the bottle!

In the process of making juice, those great dietary fibers are removed from the berries, what remains is just a pathetic residue of what the berries can really do for you and your health!



Admittedly, papaya rarely appears in our menu. But it is an excellent aid for digestive problems. To do this, you use the seeds that are waiting for you inside the fruit with an aroma similar to that of cress!

When you have diarrhea, they are great for helping your gut restore the natural balance of healthy gut bacteria.

You can remove the seeds from the fruit with a teaspoon and chew them pure or puree them together with the pulp to make a delicious smoothie. Warning: the kernels taste quite hot, do not eat too many at once!

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