The 3 Best Remedies For Insomnia

There are many different causes that can lead to insomnia. These include bad habits or worries and stress, among others. When there is too much of the body and soul, this is often expressed in the form of insomnia.

The 3 best remedies for insomnia

Insomnia is an unwelcome guest, but one that often presents itself nonetheless. While it is not a disease, the consequences can be severe when sleep deprivation becomes chronic. Then, learn what you can do about insomnia.

There are many different causes that can lead to insomnia. These include bad habits or worries and stress, among others. When it becomes too much for the body and soul, this is often expressed in the form of insomnia.

In addition, anxiety, depression or even bipolar disorders can lead to a lack of sleep. Of course, a trip with a time difference can also be the cause.

Today we are going to introduce you to various natural remedies that are very effective  against insomnia . You already have most of them at home!

1. Tea for insomnia

Tea for insomnia
  • Linden blossom tea is very popular as a sedative. This herb promotes your sleep and helps you relax your muscles.
  • Another option is valerian tea. Similar to linden blossom, this medicinal plant has a calming effect and promotes sleep. Use valerian in moderation, however, as it is a powerful remedy.

2. milk

Milk for insomnia

Another great way to combat insomnia is hot milk. The melatonin in milk makes you fall asleep faster. This old home remedy is even more effective with a spoonful of honey!

3. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy for insomnia

Different scents have a calming effect on the brain. You can take advantage of this by using  pleasant and relaxing essential oils for  aromatherapy. Rose, orange, lemon and lavender are particularly good. Use these oils 20 minutes before bed to scent your bedroom.

More tips

The following measures are also very helpful in promoting a regular sleep rhythm and preventing a lack of sleep. Stay constant to get the results you want!

  • Avoid napping after lunch. You can then no longer sleep so well in the evening. Unless otherwise, the midday nap should not last longer than 20 minutes.
  • Televisions, cell phones or other screen devices activate the brain. Avoid doing this an hour or two before going to sleep to get a better night’s sleep. In addition, social networks keep you awake longer and have a negative effect on the quality of your sleep! Read a relaxing book before bed! 
  • Your bedroom should be dark, as this is the only way to produce the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.

Change your habits

  • It’s best to exercise regularly to burn off excess energy. You’ll sleep much better at night this way.
  • If you exercise and work every day, you should be tired enough in the evening to remove insomnia from your life.
  • Avoid caffeine. While coffee improves your mental and physical performance, it can also affect the quality of your sleep. Don’t give your brain a reason to stay up late in the evening.
  • Avoid chocolate and sugary foods in the evening, because they stimulate your brain!
  • Alcohol not only harms your body, it also affects the quality of sleep.
  • Quit smoking, you know that tobacco in general is dangerous to your health. It also has a negative impact on your sleep.

It’s best to start right away by making better habits a routine. Your health will improve and you will sleep much better.

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