Swollen Fingers? Why Is That?

Find out more about causes and treatment options here.

Swollen fingers?  Why is that?

Swollen fingers  are common due to a variety of causes. Maybe you have had trouble taking a ring off because your fingers were thickened with blood congestion?

Read on to find out more about this, as the triggers for swelling can vary widely.

Swelling usually occurs when fluids build up in the tissues. This is especially common in the fingers and feet.

This can be caused by poor blood circulation, for example, but it could also be a symptom of an illness.

It is therefore good to know more precisely in order to be able to act correctly and more quickly if necessary.

Causes of Swollen Fingers

Causes of Swollen Fingers

1. Poor blood circulation

Too much cholesterol in the blood or high or uneven blood pressure means  that the blood is transported faster and more forcefully from the heart to the lungs.

The consequences of this are fatigue and circulatory disorders, which can also affect the fingers. The hands often feel cold because the blood vessels open wider, causing edema and swelling.

2. Obesity

Obesity  causes changes in our lymphatic system, which can lead to water retention in the hands and feet.

The feet feel swollen and no longer fit into the shoes, the hands tingle and the fingers swell slightly.

3. Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome usually causes circulatory disorders in the affected hand. The pressure on the median nerve causes a narrowing, which in turn can cause swelling or numbness in the fingers.

Cold hands are also a common symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome.

4. Allergic reaction

When foreign bodies enter our organism, the body can release histamine to fight them. This sometimes leads to swollen fingers. In this case, the problem is treated with antihistamines.

5. Infection

Infection occurs when germs penetrate the skin through injuries or small cuts. It can happen that a finger swells and pain develops.

A tissue infection can also spread to the bones and lead to a high fever.

6. Rheumatic arthritis

The fingers often suffer from joint and cartilage wear. This can lead to swelling and redness, which can be very painful, especially in the morning. The fingers are then rigid and difficult to move.

How can swollen fingers be treated?

1. Exercises against tingling and water retention

Exercises for swollen fingers
  • Move your fingers as shown in the picture to drain any water retention. You can use it to improve blood circulation at the same time. Open and close the hand several times using the thumb movement shown in the picture.
  • Then press  both palms against each other (like a prayer) and bring them over your head. You can also use this exercise to promote blood circulation.

2. Diuretic foods

Green tea for swollen fingers

With the right food, the drainage of fluids stored in the tissue can be stimulated.

Drink 2 liters of water a day and regularly include the following diuretic foods and drinks in your diet: green tea, celery, carrots, tomatoes, onions, eggplant, asparagus, artichokes, cress, cucumber, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, etc.

3. A balanced diet without salt

swollen fingers: do without salt

Avoid salt as much as possible if your fingers are swollen. Eat a high-fiber diet with plenty of fresh vegetables.

You should also largely avoid industrial fats and additives. This allows your body to recover and drain excess fluids.

Your circulation will also improve! In addition, there is a positive side effect that will make you happy: you will lose weight!

4. Pressure gloves

Pressure gloves against swollen fingers

Pressure gloves can help if you have frequent swollen fingers. You can buy these at the pharmacy.

This puts adequate pressure on the hands and fingers,  which stimulates the drainage of fluids.

If swollen fingers occur more often, you should definitely have a doctor examine you to find the exact cause!

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