Soothing Teas For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

You can benefit from the health-promoting properties of all herbs by making a mixture of chamomile, anise and peppermint.

Soothing teas for irritable bowel syndrome

In our article we tell you about various medicinal plants that you can use to make tea against irritable bowel syndrome. They can help you alleviate the discomfort.

Women suffer from irritable bowel syndrome more often . The exact causes are not yet known, the consequences are unfortunately very painful and can be felt for weeks or months and thus have a strong influence on everyday life.

Talk to your doctor if you suspect irritable bowel syndrome. He makes a reliable diagnosis and prescribes the appropriate treatment.

Medicinal plants are highly recommended for treating the side effects of irritable bowel syndrome. If in doubt, however, you should always consult a doctor.

The plants we introduce to you are readily available in herb or health food stores. Usually one teaspoon per cup is enough. You can consume up to 2 cups of the healing teas daily.

So that the active ingredients of the plant can develop properly, we recommend that you do not use a metal jug, but only ceramic, clay or porcelain jugs. They are more natural and preserve the active ingredients of the medicinal plants better.

Irritable bowel tea: medicinal plants used to treat irritable bowel syndrome

Anise tea

Anise tea against irritable bowel syndrome

The tea has a delicious liquorice taste. This plant undoubtedly helps against stomach and intestinal pain. It relieves swelling, gas and cramps, so taking this plant is highly recommended for those with irritable bowel syndrome.

However, you should avoid aniseed if you have diarrhea. As you probably know, the consequences of irritable bowel syndrome can be either diarrhea or constipation. You should only drink this tea for irritable bowel syndrome if you are constipated.

First, bring the anise to a boil with a cup of water. You can drink the tea for breakfast or in the morning.

Camomile tea

Chamomile tea with flowers in the background

Chamomile tea is ideal for irritable bowel syndrome. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties and has an antibacterial and relaxing effect.

You can have up to 2 cups a day (1 tea bag or 1 teaspoon of chamomile). First boil the water for 10 minutes and then let the tea steep for a few minutes.

Mint tea

Fresh mint tea

The mint has carminative, anticonvulsant, relaxing and pain-relieving properties. Once in the digestive system, it helps reduce inflammation and pain, and is relaxing.

Use one tablespoon of dry mint for one cup of water to make the tea. Don’t use sugar. If you want to sweeten the tea, you can use stevia.

Sage tea

Sage tea in a mug

Sage tea is recommended if you suffer from diarrhea, nausea, or dizziness. These symptoms are also common with irritable bowel syndrome, so this herb with an astringent effect will be of great help to you.

Sage is also pain relieving and relaxing. You need 10 grams of sage to make the tea. First bring about 3 glasses of water with the sage to a boil. Then let the irritable bowel tea steep for 5 minutes. You should consume a maximum of 3 cups of the tea daily.

Fenugreek tea

Melissa tea on the window

Fenugreek seeds are commonly used for digestive disorders, especially to protect the intestines.

It contains a high concentration of vitamin B and is therefore also recommended for anxiety and pain as well as for regulating the digestive system in the event of constipation.

Do not drink more than one cup of this tea a day. Use a tablespoon of fenugreek for a cup of water, then let it steep for 5 minutes. Then sift and drink slowly. He will help you recover.

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