Sluggish Bowel: Everything You Need To Know

Sluggish bowel can lead to constipation and a feeling of fullness. In addition, constipation can lead to painful bowel movements. This is a change in the intestinal peristalsis, i.e. the movement of the intestine. Usually this complaint has no serious cause.

Sluggishness: All You Need To Know

With constipation referring to the problem of a slow-working intestine. People tend to have slow digestion and are often constipated. So that means that constipation by noticeable a change in bowel function. This is slower than normal and this leads to harder stools and more difficult bowel movements.

Such constipation is a symptom that can have several causes. For example, the problem is associated with a sedentary lifestyle. This, in turn, is due to the widespread trend towards predominantly sedentary activities today.

In addition, constipation has to do with a diet that is very low in fiber. But a sluggish bowel can sometimes be due to a disease of the digestive tract. In general, it can be said that this is a fairly common complaint.

The fact that normal bowel movements are not possible can lead to health problems for those affected and also affect their general well-being. That’s why in this article we explain everything you need to know about this topic. And also what solutions are there for this unpleasant problem.

What exactly does one understand by constipation?

As already mentioned, this complaint is a decreased bowel movement. That is, the muscles of this organ move slower and weaker than normal. As a result , the intestinal transit is also very slow. This means that the time it takes for food to make its way through the intestines is longer. This in turn leads to a harder stool.

So it is logical that constipation often occurs when the bowel is sluggish. Those affected have no or only a very difficult and painful bowel movement. This can even lead to injuries to the anus and rectum. In addition, such constipation is often accompanied by a bloated stomach and flatulence.

Hemorrhoids can also occur in some cases. This is due to excessive strain on the affected person when defecating. Often these people suffer from bloating. In addition, they can have bad breath in the morning from the gases created in the intestines.

Indestructive sluggishness: woman sits on the toilet in pain

What are the causes of constipation?

In most cases, the causes are not due to a disease. One factor, for example, is age. Because older than younger people tend to have a sluggish bowel. The lack of exercise already mentioned above has an influence on this. This represents one of the most important risk factors for the development of constipation. Because movement activates our whole body and also sets the intestines in motion.

On the other hand, diet also plays a major role. A low-fiber diet increases the risk of a sluggish bowel. The same applies if too little fluid is absorbed.

It is also important to note that certain medications can be the cause. Because with some drugs, such an effect occurs as an undesirable side effect. This is especially true if you use laxatives over a long period of time. Because although these stimulate the intestines, the muscles of the intestines get used to them when taken for a longer period of time. Then the opposite effect occurs and the bowel becomes sluggish.

In addition, there is the rarer case that a sluggish bowel is also a sign of a metabolic disease or damage to nerves. This can happen when certain nerves that are responsible for stimulating the movement of this organ are damaged. For example, as a result of an injury to the spinal cord.

What can you do to solve the problem?

The first thing to do with a health problem such as B. Sluggishness should do is to see a doctor. They will likely advise you to make certain diet or lifestyle changes. These pieces of advice will help you find a natural solution to your constipation problem.

First of all, it’s important to add more high-fiber foods to your diet. For example, fruits and vegetables. You should also reduce your consumption of dairy and industrial processed foods. It is also important to drink enough water. So 1.5 to 2 liters per day.

Along with this, you should also pay attention to more physical exercise in your daily routine. The mere fact that you walk an hour a day can improve the situation. Also, some experts recommend changing your posture when you have a bowel movement. Because in this way you can make it easier to empty the bowel. For example, you can try to get into a squatting position.

In case you do need laxatives, it is best to use natural laxatives. Green tea or certain fruits like kiwi fruit can help. Enemas can also be a good solution to your symptoms. However, you should only do this on medical advice.

So you see: As a rule, a sluggish bowel can not be attributed to any serious cause. You can get around the problem with the fairly simple changes in your diet and lifestyle mentioned here. However, if this advice does not work, you should definitely consult a doctor. Because he can carry out the appropriate investigations and determine whether the whole thing is based on a more serious cause.

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