Slim Thanks To The Cucumber, Lemon And Mint Smoothie!

Thanks to the diuretic effect of its ingredients, this smoothie is ideal for detoxification, for weight loss and to prevent water retention.

Slim thanks to the cucumber, lemon and mint smoothie!

Nothing is more refreshing than a chilled cucumber, lemon and mint smoothie ! All of its ingredients are 100% natural and almost always present in the household.

This smoothie is not only delicious, but also very easy to make and perfect for losing weight. Take a look at the ingredients and convince yourself of our cucumber, lemon and mint smoothie !

Benefits of cucumber

Cucumber belongs in the cucumber-lemon-mint smoothie!

Cucumber is low in calories, around 16 per 100 grams, so you can use it to burn your fat reserves faster. The cucumber, lemon and mint smoothie with its low number of calories is therefore ideal for losing weight!

The cucumber, lemon and mint smoothie supports digestion and improves metabolism. You burn more calories, put on less fat and lose weight more easily.

Cucumbers are ideal for detoxification. They consist of 95% water and 5% fiber. Cucumber cleanses the body and removes toxins that negatively affect your digestion. 

Detoxification is important for a healthy digestive system as it supports it and makes it more efficient. In addition, the fiber has a filling effect and thus prevents you from overeating when you are hungry.

Thanks to their high water content, cucumbers are ideal for natural drainage. In this way, you can prevent liquids from accumulating in the tissue.

Benefits of mint

Mint leaves contain a lot of fiber, which can relieve the following symptoms:

  • Indigestion
  • increased cholesterol
  • Gain and obesity

Mint leaves stimulate digestive enzymes and help convert fat into energy. This aromatic plant is also excellent against nausea, depression, bad breath and breathing problems.

Mint leaves also contain small amounts of catechins and caffeine. These speed up digestion and increase body temperature, which leads to higher calorie consumption.

In the smoothie described here, the mint is an aromatic ingredient that reduces appetite.

Benefits of lemons

Lemon belongs in the cucumber, lemon and mint smoothie!

Lemons contain almost a quarter of the daily vitamin C requirement. Their juice is also a great antioxidant that improves body functions and overall physical condition.

Lemon juice is naturally diuretic. In combination with water, it promotes the drainage of liquids stored in the tissue. It also helps against flatulence and constipation.

  • The polyphenol contained in lemons works against body fat.
  • Digestion is stimulated by the small amounts of potassium.
  • Citric acid increases the production of bile, which stimulates digestion.

The lemon prevents the mint leaves from turning brown, but you should still drink the cucumber-lemon-mint smoothie immediately after preparation.

Benefits of water

Water prevents the body from becoming dehydrated, and a lack of water slows down the burning of calories, among other things. It also lubricates the joints and muscles while exercising and helps the blood to oxygenate the muscles.

The consumption of water also makes us feel more full and prevents us from overeating when we are hungry.

In this cucumber, lemon and mint smoothie, the water provides sufficient moisture and a more fluid consistency.

Recipe for the cucumber, lemon and mint smoothie

Ingredients for the cucumber, lemon and mint smoothie!


  • 125 ml lemon juice
  • 1 cucumber
  • 4 mint leaves
  • Ice cubes
  • 250 ml of water


  • Peel the cucumber, remove the seeds, then cut it into slices.
  • Puree all the ingredients together until you get a smooth mass.
  • Then add the ice cubes.
  • Transfer the smoothie to a suitable container and let it sit in the refrigerator for a few minutes before serving.

We recommend drinking the smoothie on an empty stomach at least once a week. This way you keep your body pure and detoxify it.

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