Sleeping Aid: Pay Attention To The Risks And Side Effects!

Although many sleeping pills can be obtained without a prescription, it is best to only prescribe them by a doctor.

Sleep pills: be aware of the risks and side effects!

In this stressed and overwhelmed society, many people suffer from insomnia. As a result, more and more of them are taking sleeping pills to  help them  fall asleep better.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned about the statistics. Few people seem to be aware of the negative effects that can arise from using – and misusing – these drugs.

Taking sleeping pills carries risks and can even have the opposite effects.

Depression and high blood pressure

Some time ago, the Mayo Clinic warned the world about the harmful effects of sleeping pills.

In an official statement, the clinic announced that these products can cause depression and high blood pressure.

  • It was also surprising that the drugs caused chronic pain in some patients.
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, and uncontrolled sleepiness are other undesirable side effects.

For this reason, the medical facility recommends that regular examinations be carried out when patients experience sleep disorders and similar symptoms.

Risk to the elderly

Sleep pills are bad for the elderly

All people can suffer from the side effects of sleeping pills, but the elderly should be especially careful when taking them.

Some symptoms, such as drowsiness and dizziness, are more common in this population.

In addition, older people who take sleeping pills are at greater risk of falling. In addition, their blood pressure rises .

After the age of 65, the body’s ability to process medication properly decreases.

The older the body, the slower the active ingredients are broken down. Because of this, sleeping pills can work longer than intended.

Sleeping pills are addicting

Many sleeping pills have an addictive effect on patients.

Regular consumption leads to the fact that the tolerance of the body is increased. Therefore, you always need higher doses.

In some cases, patients become so dependent that they need the medication over and over again in order to be able to fall asleep.

Therefore, when taking sleeping pills, you should make sure that you only use them for a short period of time and only rarely. In the best case scenario, you only use them when there is an acute crisis situation.

Sleeping pills are not suitable to replace normal sleep in the long term.

Beware of car accidents

Sleeping pills cause accidents

Alcohol and drug abuse aren’t the only causes of major car accidents. In fact, it has been shown that sleeping pills are involved in a large proportion of accidents.

The problem is that sleepiness often doesn’t stop in the morning. Some people even suffer from blurred vision. All of these factors make driving dangerous.

Driving is an activity that requires maximum concentration and optimal sensory acuity. Unfortunately, there are always cases in which a driver falls asleep behind the wheel.

Premature death

According to a comprehensive study from 2016, the use of sleeping pills has a negative effect on life expectancy.

The risk of dying prematurely increases, especially with high doses of sleeping pills.

Patients who took part in the study were given drugs such as temazepam or zaleplon. Barbiturates and antihistamines, which cause drowsiness, were also looked at in the study.

The study also warns that the use of sleeping pills promotes certain types of cancer.

Be careful with sleeping pills!

Sleep pills are dangerous

Some sleeping pills cause depression and anxiety. Every person and every body reacts differently to the medication.

It is worrying that many sleep aids are available over the counter.

If you have trouble sleeping or insomnia, it is important to see a doctor. An in-depth investigation is necessary to find out the cause. The doctor may also be able to prescribe a suitable medication in the correct dose for you, if necessary.

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