Simple Exercises Against Belly Fat

If you don’t feel like exercising, but still want to get rid of your love handles, you can climb stairs instead of the elevator and walk every day.

Simple exercises against belly fat

Belly fat is not just a beauty issue, but rather to be avoided for health reasons. Since fat pads tend to attach themselves to the abdominal area, today we will show you simple  exercises against belly fat. 

Remember, however, that regular exercise is not enough to reduce your waistline. A balanced, low-calorie diet and healthy lifestyle habits are also essential!

Exercises against belly fat

Exercise 1

You start with a forearm support, also called a plank. You first lie on your stomach and then support yourself with your forearms and toes on the floor. Try to hold this position for as long as possible.

The body forms a straight line that runs parallel to the ground. The pelvis should neither sag nor point upwards. Pull your abs hard to hold this position.

exercise 2

The second of our  exercises against belly fat  is also very effective: the crunch strengthens your abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back on a mat and position your bent arms behind your head. Now bend your legs (about 90ยบ) and support them on the floor at hip width. Now lift your chest and tense the abdominal muscles.

At the same time you move your knees towards your chest. However, the lumbar area remains on the floor. In addition, you pay attention to correct breathing: when lifting the body you breathe out, when lowering the body you breathe in.

If you wish, you can hold weights in your hands during this exercise.

Other exercises for belly fat

These belly fat exercises will not only help you get rid of love handles. They  improve your general health and keep you fit at the same time! 


Going against belly fat

Walking is one of the easiest exercises. But that doesn’t make this activity any less effective. Make your daily walk a habit and gradually increase the time and speed!

To dance

Who doesn’t love it Most of them love to dance, even when it’s at home with the door closed. Dancing is fun and very healthy. It also helps reduce stress, calories, and belly fat. 

Climb stairs

Climbing stairs and other abdominal fat exercises

Small changes in everyday life can help you move more. Take the stairs instead of the elevator! Climbing stairs is very healthy and will help you shed belly fat. 

Other Recommendations

Cardiovascular exercise is best for burning off excess calories and belly fat. These are exercises that activate the circulation and strengthen it over a longer period of time.

Abs training is also important. Because when the muscles are strengthened, the metabolism is stimulated at the same time and so  fat on the stomach and other parts of the body can be broken down more easily.

Do not forget that you have to stay constant with your training and that other lifestyle habits are also essential to achieve your goal!

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