Showing Affection To Depressed People

It is important for a depressed person to know that they can count on unconditional support and affection.

Showing affection to depressed people

Depression puts you in an exhausting, dangerous emotional state that can seriously affect your quality of life. How can you show affection to  depressed people ?

Physical effects are the result and, moreover, the people affected are often not properly understood by anyone and therefore withdraw.

Depression, like any other illness, needs to be diagnosed and treated accordingly. The support of loved ones is also of great importance in overcoming this situation.

Therefore, in this post we would like to explain to you how you can show your support to depressed people .

Show depressed people that they are not alone


Depressed people feel like they are in a dark tunnel full of trouble. It is therefore important to convey to them that they are not alone on this difficult path. 

It can seem pointless and disheartening at first, as there is nothing to comfort the person and it is very difficult to show affection. But if you persevere, you can achieve your goal and guide the loved one.

Destructive thoughts as a challenge

Depression and sadness are usually accompanied by  destructive, painful, and harmful thoughts. Those affected reproach themselves, feel guilty and only see their mistakes and weaknesses.

The challenge is to highlight all the virtues and good points, all the achievements of the person concerned and make them aware of how wonderful they are.

Help in everyday life


Daily household chores are often neglected during a depressive phase.

A lot of work accumulates over the days, e.g. B. dusting, washing up etc. Help to create order! Those affected do not feel able to cope with it themselves. Your help can be very useful in turning the chaos into a welcoming home.

Cook healthy food

During a depressive phase, the affected person may feel constant cravings and eat a lot and badly or suffer from a lack of appetite. Over time, this can create health problems that make the situation worse.

Both eating disorders can lead to nutritional deficiencies  and negatively  affect physical and emotional health.

You should therefore ensure that the person concerned eats healthily and, in particular, includes foods in the diet plan that stimulate the production of serotonin.

Hugs are vital


The positive effect of hugs has been scientifically proven. They have a therapeutic effect and donate positive energy, improve the state of mind and strengthen brain health.

While many depressed people don’t want to be touched, a simple and honest hug can show them that they have your support to make them feel more comfortable.

You don’t need any explanations

A big mistake is to think that explaining the problems will help people, but most of the time it just makes them feel pressured. It is not easy to explain why feelings of fear arise, which is why those affected often prefer to distance themselves in this case.

Instead, express your unconditional support, trust, and confidence without asking for details about what happened. The case is different when the depressed person begins himself and wants to speak out.

Respect the decision to remain silent. 

Accompany the person to the specialist


As mentioned at the beginning, depression is a serious condition that requires specialist treatment.

Support and advice can sometimes be very helpful, but often they are not enough to help overcome depression.

Psychiatrists or psychologists can get to the heart of the situation  and help the person concerned with various treatments.

Dealing with a depressed person with friends or family is not easy. Do not get infected by the negative state of mind, but try to help as best you can.

You need strength and time to do this, but you shouldn’t forget about yourself.

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