Sea Salt: 8 Surprising Benefits

Sea salt is not processed as much as table salt and therefore preserves various health-promoting substances that the latter lacks.

Sea salt: 8 surprising benefits

Today’s article is about the benefits of  sea ​​salt. Read on to find out more!

Table salt is subjected to an industrial process in which various minerals such as magnesium and iodine are lost. Potassium iodide and dextrose as well as a bleaching agent are added.

This process makes the salt more attractive and finer for consumption in the kitchen, and it was  previously thought  that sea ​​salt was not suitable for human consumption. 

In the meantime, however, it has been proven that this is  not only suitable, but also has numerous advantages over refined table salt. 

Sea salt: beneficial properties

coarse salt
  • The extraction of sea salt is far more natural, because  it is simply dried in the sun.
  • It contains microscopic particles of marine fauna and flora as well as other important substances that table salt does not contain: minerals, iodine and magnesium.
  • As it is an unprocessed product, it is not as white as no bleach is used in its production.
  • Sea salt is more moist than normal salt and has a stronger taste, so you will need a little less of it for your recipes.

Then we will list further advantages for you:

1. Strengthens the immune system

The minerals it contains strengthen the body’s defenses, which should be improved, especially at the end of summer.

This is a great way to prepare for the temperature swings that  often lead to colds, flu, and other viral diseases.

2. Against depressive mood

Serotonin and melatonin are two hormones that are released in the brain to help control stress. In the case of depressive moods, there is insufficient production of it, which leads to sadness and stress.

Sea salt helps maintain the two happiness hormones with less effort. 

3. Improves blood circulation

salt-and-high blood pressure

The salt from the sea improves blood circulation. Since this helps transport oxygen better, all body systems function better.

Otherwise the organism has to work twice as much and is overloaded earlier. This is a good reason to switch to sea salt.

4. Weight Loss

Salt can boost the fat metabolism and therefore help you lose weight.

It has an alkaline effect and is therefore helpful against over-acidification of the body  and at the same time promotes digestion.

Of course, you still have to be moderate!

5. Relieves asthma

This is due to the fact that sea salt has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Some doctors recommend putting some sea salt on your tongue when you have an asthma attack rather than using an inhaler.

If you have asthma, it is best to talk to your doctor about it before taking any action. Under no circumstances should you stop taking medication on your own without first consulting your doctor.

6. Prevents and alleviates osteoporosis

Bones do not only consist of calcium, a quarter of the salt in the organism is stored in the bones. This means that extra salt could be important for bone problems.

In addition, sea salt contains important minerals that  help regenerate bones. 

7. Works against cramps

Have you ever noticed tennis players eating bananas while playing? These contain a lot of potassium, which is essential for the muscles.

One of the great things about sea salt is that it works in a very similar way.

sea ​​salt against cramps

The salt also ensures  that potassium is better absorbed from other foods.

8. Balancing the blood sugar level

Sea salt is perfect for diabetics  as it regulates blood sugar levels. So if you are struggling with this, it is good to include sea salt in your diet. However, always consult your doctor!

The advantages of sea salt are great, so it is advisable to replace normal table salt with this one. Nevertheless, it is essential to be moderate, because too much of a good thing is harmful to your health!


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