Recipe For Delicious, Home-made Bread

If you would like to prepare delicious, home-made bread that looks like it was made by the baker, then you will find a very simple recipe here. We’ll also give you some good tips and tell you what nutrients it contains. Have fun baking!

Recipe for delicious homemade bread

Homemade bread is without a doubt one of the oldest foods we know. It has been prepared and consumed in all cultures and countries around the world for thousands of years.

Over time, the recipes have been refined and perfected and today it is really very easy to make a delicious bread yourself at home. There are many ways to prepare homemade bread . Today we want to introduce you to a delicious recipe that will make your bread look and taste like it was made by the baker.

Of course there are countless recipes for bread. Depending on the region from which it comes and the traditional craftsmanship there, it will turn out differently. Of course, you can put the bread together so that you like it best.

Nevertheless, there are some basic ingredients that should definitely not be missing. Today we present you a basic recipe for homemade bread, which you can then vary and refine according to your own preferences.

But before we introduce you to the actual recipe, let’s briefly look at the individual ingredients, their nutrients and the health benefits.

First, let’s look at the basic ingredients that are found in practically every bread. Wheat flour, yeast, salt and water are commonly used. These ingredients form the basis for the batter that you put in the oven.

Facts About Carbohydrates

There are numerous common misconceptions about bread and its ingredients. The most common assumption is that bread “only contains carbohydrates and makes you fat.”

Of course, it is true that the chemical composition of wheat flour contains many carbohydrates. But that fact alone doesn’t mean that these carbohydrates are bad for your body.

In fact, your body absolutely needs carbohydrates to function properly. However, your personal need for carbohydrates depends on your metabolism. This differs from person to person.

In addition, there is not a single food that consists only of carbohydrates. Chemically, this is not possible at all. You see that you shouldn’t believe everything you hear.

And now we don’t want to keep you waiting any longer for the homemade bread recipe. By the way, you will also receive a few more information about the nutritional content of the individual ingredients.

Recipe for a delicious, homemade bread

Wheat flour: health benefits and nutritional value

Wheat flour - homemade bread

There are also numerous myths and widely held assumptions about wheat flour. Therefore, you should first of all know what wheat flour really is and what health benefits it can offer you.

Nowadays we see a lot of advertisements telling us not to use wheat flour. In fact, the truth is very often twisted or completely falsified here.

Wheat contains many valuable nutrients, wheat bran and important prebiotics. In short, important ingredients that are used to make high quality flours and other foods.

Also, wheat is the grain that is best for making bread. Making homemade bread without wheat flour is far more difficult. And of course you can also make bread from wheat bran or from a good wholemeal wheat flour.

However, there is one thing you should keep in mind when eating bread. It always depends on the amount you eat. If you eat 200 grams of bread, you will not gain weight, provided that you live a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet. But if you have bad eating habits and you eat mostly unhealthy food, then bread is certainly not the best choice for you.

Now you know what to look for when eating bread. So now we want to give you the recipe for homemade bread. You will see that it is very simple and it will work as if a baker made it.


  • 4 cups of wheat flour (400 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of yeast (25 g)
  • 10 cups of warm water (850 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (25 g)


Dough - homemade bread
  • First, pick up a large, deep bowl.  It should be big enough so that all of the ingredients fit in well.
  • Now you put all the dry ingredients in the bowl:  the flour, the salt and the yeast. Mix the ingredients together briefly and make a hole in the middle, into which you can pour the water straight away.
  • Now you can slowly let the water flow into the middle of the ingredients. Immediately start mixing everything together well.
  • You can use a plastic or wooden spoon to do this. In any case, avoid lumps from forming in the dough. This is a very important step in making dough.
  • Then you knead the dough very well. The best way to do this is to use your (clean) hands. Knead the dough until it is smooth and pliable. There must be no more lumps in the dough.
  • The dough should now be elastic, but still compact.
  • You can now shape an elongated loaf. This shape is typical of our homemade bread.
  • Bake the bread at 120ÂșC for about 25 minutes.
  • As soon as the bread is nicely browned, you can take it out of the oven. Let it cool down a little now.

You now have a wonderful, homemade bread, which you will surely want to try and enjoy right away. Good Appetite!

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