Reasons For Constipation In Children And How To Help It

Constipation in children is very common and can be a diet or habits problem. It is important to correct this problem before complications arise.

Reasons of constipation in children and how to find relief

Constipation in children is a common problem, as it is in adults. It consists of difficulty emptying your bowels, the process by which we pass stool from the body.

Bowel movements vary from person to person. It also changes with age. For example, babies have more bowel movements than adults. In general, however, middle-aged children go to the bathroom once or twice a day.

Why is constipation common in children?

Constipation in children, just like adults, is defined as difficulty in having a bowel movement. In some cases, there may be a constant feeling that you haven’t had enough bowel movements.

Constipation in children is difficult to define. That’s because, as mentioned earlier, the frequency of bowel movements varies based on age and person.

For example, babies’ bowel movements are more fluid and more frequent. As they grow and an adult-appropriate diet is introduced, the consistency changes and the number of daily bowel movements decreases.

The exact cause of constipation in children is unknown unless an associated medical condition is identified. Hard, dry stools are known to build up in the colon. They move more slowly, which allows more water to be absorbed along the digestive tract. The more time passes, the harder the stool becomes and the more difficult it is to pass.

crying baby
In infants, crying may be the only initial symptom of constipation because they have abdominal pain.

Symptoms That May Occur

The symptoms of constipation in children vary widely. According to the Mayo Clinic professionals , there may be fewer than three bowel movements a week. In addition, as we mentioned earlier, it is a hard and dry stool.

So when the child tries to empty the bowel, pain occurs. Likewise, it is necessary that it has to use more pressure to achieve this. Because the stool is so hard, it can cause small wounds when you pass it. Because of this, blood sometimes appears.

The pain caused by constipation in children makes them reluctant to go to the bathroom. The child will try to avoid bowel movements to avoid pain. This is why you can often see them squeezing their buttocks together or squirming.

Causes of constipation in children

Constipation in children can have several causes. There are several factors that affect the consistency and type of stool. First and foremost, diet plays a role. When the diet doesn’t contain enough vegetables or fruits, the poop is often harder.

Changes in diet can also lead to constipation. Constipation often occurs when solid foods are introduced. That’s because it’s harder to digest and excrete.

As with adults, the routine of going to the toilet is also very relevant for children. For example, it is common to experience constipation while traveling, in stressful situations, or even when starting school.

Anxiety is another cause of constipation in children. The pain of trying to have a bowel movement may cause them to try to avoid going to the bathroom. This creates a vicious circle that makes the problem worse.

As explained in Healthychildren , some drugs and diseases can also lead to this clinical picture. Examples of this are hypothyroidism or malformations of the digestive system. In the case of medication, it is a side effect of iron supplements and anticonvulsants.

How is constipation treated in children?

Constipation in children can lead to complications. So if it is a situation that is ongoing or recurring, it is important to seek treatment. However, this should not be done without first consulting a pediatrician.

As explained by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases , the doctor may recommend enemas or laxatives in a timely manner to relieve constipation. However, these approaches are not a permanent solution.

There are different types of laxatives depending on the characteristics of the condition. Some of them have no immediate effect. On the other hand, they can cause bloating and gas and lead to abdominal discomfort. Therefore, the use of these drugs should be monitored.

When should I see a doctor?

Constipation in children can clear up on its own. In fact , in most cases it is a one-time event that does not involve any complications. However, if this condition persists for a long time or repeats itself frequently, it is imperative that you consult a doctor.

In addition, there are a number of warning signs to consider. For example, if the child has blood in their stool, a fever, a swollen stomach, or if they lose weight.

In some cases , tightness during bowel movements can lead to anal prolapse. In such a case, part of the intestine exits through the anus. This is also a reason for medical advice.

Possible complications of constipation in children

Constipation in children can lead to complications. One of the most important things at this age is that the young child stop eating or avoid defecation at all costs.

Another possible complication is anal fissure. If the stool is very dry and hard, it will cause wounds on the mucous membrane or the skin of the anus as it passes. These injuries make the pain worse and can be difficult to heal.

Enkopresis is the repeated dropping of feces on clothes. It occurs when retained stool builds up in the colon or rectum. The liquid stool begins to run out and is involuntarily excreted by overflowing.

Constipation in children diet
High fiber foods should be included in children’s diets to prevent constipation.

Prevention and Recommendations

Treatment is usually based on dietary measures and improving the child’s habits. One of the fundamental aspects is therefore to increase the amount of fiber in the diet. This means getting the child to eat more fruits and vegetables every day.

It is just as important that they drink plenty of water and move around. Physical activity improves bowel motility and prevents constipation in children. It is also important to establish a routine for going to the bathroom.

This is part of raising children from birth. However, be understanding. The little ones need patience and special attention. If they are afraid or avoid going to the bathroom, they should be distracted or rewarded to encourage them to do so.

Many cases of constipation are due to poor diet. It can also be a result of a lack of exercise or bad habits. It is therefore important that children learn in this phase of life to eat a varied and balanced diet and to practice healthy living habits.

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