One Apple A Day Against Obesity?

Green apples help to balance the metabolism. They are high in fiber and contain polyphenols that help fight obesity and regulate fat levels.

An apple a day against obesity?

An apple a day works like medicine, everyone has heard that before. But can apples also help against obesity? And which apples are best? You can find out more about this topic in this post.

Apples for the protection of general health

There are many reasons for using apples every day, regardless of the variety. This delicious fruit can do a lot for our health: 

  • The apple supplies the organism with moisture,  has a dehydrating effect and can therefore also prevent water retention.
  • It lowers blood pressure  because it contains a lot of potassium.
  • Apples are also characterized by numerous antioxidants  .
  • They provide important  fiber,  especially when eaten raw and with the shell on.
  • The pectin in apples also protects the intestines.
  • Apples (especially with the skin) have a preventive effect against various types of cancer such as colon cancer.
  • The phytochemical substances in apples  protect against diabetes and also reduce the cholesterol level.

Nutritionists recommend consuming the apples with their peel on, as they contain valuable pectin and many important phytochemicals. Attention should be paid to the quality: It is best to buy untreated organic apples.

How can apples help against obesity?

Granny Smith apple against obesity

granny smith apple

The best apple against obesity is the Granny Smith variety. This delicious, green and slightly sour apple works great.

This is the conclusion that scientists from the State University of Washington came to in a study to find out which apple variety is best for preventing obesity.

The benefits of Granny Smith apples have been published in Food Chemistry magazine. Here is a quick summary:

  • This apple variety contains an indigestible substance that helps against overweight and obesity. It contains the most polyphenols, fiber and carbohydrates. That is why Granny Smith are even healthier than the varieties Golden Delicius, Fuji, Gala, Red Delicius or Breaborn, for example.
  • Granny Smith apples also encourage the growth of good bacteria that support the intestines in the fight against pollutants and help with fat loss. The more good bacteria there are in the intestine , the easier it is to lose weight.
  • Granny Smith apples also ensure a balanced metabolism. They help with inflammation and have a filling effect. A wonderful remedy that everyone can benefit from.

So don’t forget your daily apple … preferably Grannny Smith!

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