New Ideas For Low-calorie Smoothies

Smoothies can basically be made from fruit or vegetables, but should never contain sugar.

New ideas for low-calorie smoothies

Low calorie smoothies are very fashionable. Even in the supermarket there is a large selection, whereby the point of a smoothie – to consume fresh fruit and vegetables – tends to fall by the wayside.

You should therefore prepare the healthy drinks and  low-calorie smoothies yourself at home.

Low-calorie smoothies: the basics 

With smoothies, fruits and vegetables are only pureed, not juiced. This means that all ingredients such as valuable carbohydrates and all secondary plant substances are included.

That would not be the case with juice, since fiber from the skin and pulp in particular is disposed of when juicing. But it is precisely in the shell (keyword: bitter substances , fiber) that there are often such valuable ingredients!

A smoothie is usually freshly prepared and therefore contains more vitamins than a juice that has to be made durable by heating in bottles or tetra packs.

Even a finished smoothie from the refrigerated shelf contains more phytochemicals and vitamins than a juice that is just as chilled in the supermarket.

However, it is generally better to freshly prepare a smoothie yourself at home.

Low-calorie smoothies are supposed to be healthy, so sugar (or honey!) Has no place in the list of ingredients. What counts is the natural sweetness and the pure taste.

If you like milky, low-calorie smoothies (which, strictly speaking, are not “smoothies”, but rather “mixed milk drinks”), you should make sure to use low-fat dairy products so as not to turn the healthy drink into a calorie bomb!


Warning: calories!

A smoothie, no matter what color, consists only of plant-based ingredients.  However, this does not mean that smoothies are fat-free, because vegetables can also contain fat!

Just think of the avocado, which is a little fat bomb with 15g of fat per 100g. No fear! This fat is a healthy, vegetable fat that has a lot of calories, but also has positive effects on your health!

Smoothies are not necessarily low in calories, because you consume concentrated fruit and vegetables with a smoothie. On the one hand this is good, on the other hand you can be tempted to consume more through smoothies than you would actually eat if the fruit or vegetables weren’t pureed.

Little trick: just imagine (even with juice!) The amount of fruit / vegetables that were on the table before pureeing / juicing. Would you manage to eat the same portion all over again? Certainly not! So leave the second glass, as delicious as it is!

We have recipe ideas for you that you can use to make smoothies that are low in calories.



This drink is especially refreshing if you’ve kept the watermelon in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight before preparing it. For a large glass you need:

  • 250g watermelon
  • 1 lemon

Squeeze out the lemon juice and add it to the blender. Then cut the watermelon into small cubes. Make sure the watermelon is seedless or remove the seeds.

Weigh the pulp to about 250g. Now puree both ingredients into a refreshing drink with a great color.

Tip:  With a little fresh mint or lemon balm you can create an extra fresh taste!

healthy smoothies

Purple mood smoothie

An unusual color and ingredients, but easy to prepare and made from local fruits and vegetables, especially in winter. You need:

  • ¼ red cabbage
  • 1 pear
  • ½ lemon

The purple smoothie contains a lot of fiber due to the cabbage. To increase this, don’t peel the pear. Therefore it should come from controlled organic cultivation.

Squeeze out the lemon and cut the red cabbage and pear without core into small pieces.

Process everything in a powerful blender into a creamy drink that will fill you up for a long time and make you do without snacks.

green smoothies

Cucumber mint

The hit in summer to cool off! Because this smoothie is so delicious and refreshing, it’s worth making a whole pot of it right away. For a whole liter you need:

  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 lemon
  • Some leaves of mint or lemon balm
  • Approx. 700ml of water

Please only use ingredients from certified organic cultivation, because the bowl is also used here.

Cut the cucumber into small pieces and the lemon with the peel (!) As well. Then add mint or lemon balm and pour in about half of the water.

Mix this into a mixture and only then carefully pour in the rest of the cold water. Serve garnished with lemon or cucumber slices.

Stir a little before drinking, the pulp floats on top if left standing for a long time!

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