Natural Treatment Options For Fibromyalgia

Stress and emotional factors play a major role in fibromyalgia. With this disease, you should pay particular attention to a balanced diet and, after a wrong diet, definitely take a detox cure.

Natural Treatment Options For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes muscle pain and fatigue and is becoming more common, especially in women.

Because the disease is difficult to diagnose and treat, many people seek natural remedies. In this article, we’re going to offer you some tips that can help you improve your symptoms.

The emotional factor behind fibromyalgia

The psychosomatic explanation of  fibromyalgia relates to a person who is very disappointed in life

We have to take this fact into account when treating the emotional component of the disease – whether with homeopathy or Bach flowers. This fact can also be important when looking for the cause of the disease.

If the emotional component is particularly important or there are even symptoms of depression, St. John’s wort or tryptophan can be taken with the diet or as a dietary supplement.

Proper nutrition

As with any natural healing method, diet always plays a big role. In this case a balanced diet may have been given for a long time, and as a result, it is important to cleanse the organism. We therefore recommend doing a detox here :

  • Start the treatment by eating only fruits and vegetables (raw or steamed) for a day or two
  • During a period of 15 days, you should also drink three to four cups of detoxifying tea daily (dandelion, thistle, burdock, willow bark – a natural analgesic – etc.)
  • After that, the diet should be high in fruits and vegetables, legumes and whole grains, and low in proteins and animal fats. You should definitely avoid processed foods, ready-made meals, and salt. The diet should be alkaline, as too much acid puts a strain on the organism.

    Our diet should be rich in foods that are high in magnesium, such as fish, apples, apricots, bananas, figs, peaches, dried fruits, alfalfa and buckwheat.

    It is also important to consume malic acid, whether as a dietary supplement or by simply eating apples.


    We also recommend the consumption of foods such as wheat germ oil, honey, oats, noni or maca.

    In some cases it may be that intolerances have to be ruled out. The most common are gluten and lactose.

    Another question to consider – as it could have a profound effect on the disease, is whether there are intestinal parasites in the sick person’s body.

    We also need to prevent constipation, maintain the intestinal flora and take a specific dietary supplement. In this case, we recommend consulting a naturopath.

    In principle, we should find a natural treatment option for any discomfort we suffer from: anemia, constipation, insomnia, etc.

    If we get these health problems out of the way, our whole organism will feel much better and our wellbeing will noticeably increase.

    More natural therapies

    It can be useful to try out gentle and gentle sports such as walking, stretching or yoga ; forms of therapy such as Reiki, light massages or cupping therapy can also bring relief.


    Photos courtesy of Tom Gill and Marsh Costa Blanca.

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