Natural Remedies For Osteoporosis

Foods rich in calcium, other minerals and vitamins play a fundamental role in the fight against osteoporosis.

Natural remedies for osteoporosis

With advancing age, the body changes and various complaints can occur: cognitive impairment, arthritis-related pain or osteoporosis are some examples.

In osteoporosis , the bones become brittle because there is not enough calcium. As a result, bone density and resilience decrease, and  the risk of breakage is therefore greater. Even a small fall can lead to serious health problems.

Various drugs can make the bones a little more resistant. In today’s post, however, we recommend natural remedies that  you can use in the fight against osteoporosis. 


In the prevention or treatment of osteoporosis, it is essential to supply the organism with sufficient minerals, especially calcium. As you get older, this is something you should especially consider in your diet.

Vinegar improves the body’s ability to absorb calcium from other foods. So if you add a little vinegar to your salads, you can prevent osteoporosis. However, pay attention to the quality of this natural product!

Stop smoking

quit smoking to prevent osteoporosis

Smoking is known to be responsible for many serious health problems. It can also make chronic diseases like osteoporosis much worse.

If you stop tobacco,  you can not only protect your bones. You will also improve your general wellbeing and reduce the risk of various diseases.

Don’t lose weight too much!

All extremes are bad. Obesity is a problem that has increased in recent years and kills many people, but a few small love handles are not bad.

If you are very thin or have an eating disorder, the chances of developing bone  degeneration  and developing osteoporosis are significantly greater.

This is why it is so important to maintain a balanced weight.

Soy foods

Soy contains a large amount of phytoestrogens. These act in a similar way to estrogen and help women achieve a balanced hormone balance.

In addition, phytoestrogens are also helpful in  maintaining bone density. 

It is well known that women are more prone to osteoporosis than men. It is therefore particularly recommended for women to include soy products such as tofu in their diet to prevent this disease.

Red clover against osteoporosis

Red clover  also contains phytoestrogens, which are very useful for the body. This can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

However, the active ingredients of the red clover are volatile. Before taking red clover, you should consult your doctor to determine whether it is advisable to combine it with other medications you are taking to rule out adverse effects.


Salmon against osteoporosis

Salmon is an oily fish that is rich in calcium and vitamin D. In addition, it is known for the valuable omega-3 fatty acids, which are also very beneficial for health.

This is why salmon is excellent for osteoporosis. In general, eat a healthy, varied diet and eat fish two to three times a week.

Regular exercise

Staying active is the best way to maintain muscle strength. This  also improves the resilience of the bones  and reduces the risk of breaks from falls or blows.

Exercise to the right extent will also help you regulate your energy balance and prevent various age-related ailments.

Consume little alcohol

Alcohol in small quantities could improve calcium absorption as long as consumption is kept within limits.

Excessive alcohol consumption has  very negative effects on bone resilience and general health. 

It also increases the risk of falling and breaking a bone.


Manganese plays an important role in bone health, so  if you are deficient in this mineral, you are more prone to osteoporosis.

If you get enough manganese every day, your bones will stay healthy and strong.

The pineapple contains large amounts of manganese. With just 150 g of this fruit, almost 75% of the daily requirement can be covered. It is therefore advisable to prepare fresh pineapple juice regularly.

If you have diabetes or pre-diabetes, however, you should be careful so that this delicious juice does not throw your blood sugar levels off balance.

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