Natural Remedies For Nausea

Nausea is an everyday problem, especially during pregnancy. But Mother Nature has developed a few remedies against it!

Natural remedies for nausea

Nausea can have various causes: Travel sickness has to do with the movement of ships, planes or vehicles, pregnancy sickness with the hormones and some people have simply upset their stomachs. Medicines are not always useful, which is why you should deal with our natural remedies.

Why choose natural remedies for nausea?

Even if you are not pregnant, you should try herbal remedies, because they are usually much gentler. Of course, not every herbal remedy for nausea works equally well for everyone, so you may have to experiment a bit once you’ve found “your” remedy for nausea .

The dosage can also be very different. We therefore do not give any quantitative information at this point, as this can be very different depending on the degree of nausea and personal sensitivity or reaction.

Approach your personal dosage of your personal herbal remedies against discomfort step by step! You should try the following anti-nausea remedies:

Ginger for nausea


Science has not yet figured out why and how exactly it works, but various studies have shown with certainty that ginger helps against vomiting and motion sickness. Herbal remedies for seasickness contain concentrated ginger extract.

You can make tea from ginger, dilute ginger juice (you can buy it ready-made, for example in health food stores or drugstores) with water or eat candied ginger. As an emergency remedy for nausea, candied ginger is easy to stow in the handbag and tastes delicious not only when you feel unwell.



The essential oils of peppermint also work against nausea. If you feel slightly unwell, a tea made from fresh mint can help. Mint tea from the tea bag is not very effective as many of the essential oils have already evaporated.

A good solution is to buy the pure essential oil (in any well-stocked health food store) and drizzle it on a lump of sugar. This is how you create a personal remedy for nausea with the wonderful taste of peppermint cookies or after dinner mints …


Camomile tea

The active ingredients of chamomile also have a calming effect on the stomach, so that chamomile tea can also be a remedy for nausea. Admittedly, for many readers the smell of chamomile tea alone may cause discomfort, but that is trained and has nothing to do with the effect.

Please only use chamomile tea and chamomile extracts that are not dissolved in alcohol, as the alcohol contained in it would irritate your stomach and thus have the opposite effect …

Home remedies with lemon for joint pain


It often helps to receive positive stimuli through the olfactory nerves to get rid of the nausea. Some report that the smell of a sliced ​​lemon alone helps to combat nausea.

We recommend lemon essential oil, which, via the sense of smell, is a remedy for malaise from aromatherapy.

In emergencies, you can simply smell the small bottle of oil; to prevent nausea, you can spread the scent around the room using an aroma lamp or an electric aroma diffuser.

The latter atomizes the essential oil with cold water in the air, without any candle and fire hazard.

Oatmeal for high cholesterol


Another good herbal remedy for nausea is oatmeal. Oatmeal binds the stomach acid and prevents the stomach contents from “rising”. Admittedly, when you are sick, chewing dry oatmeal like a horse is not very tempting, but give it a try!

If that doesn’t work at all, you can either briefly scald the oat flakes with boiling water (no milk, please) and prepare a kind of porridge, or you can try to achieve success with melted flakes and water.

Woman suffers from nausea

When to the doctor

If you do not know where your discomfort is coming from, you should have this clarified by a doctor. Usually there is a completely harmless cause behind it such as pregnancy, a gastrointestinal infection or simply a stomach that has been spoiled by spoiled food.

Nausea can also be a symptom of serious illnesses, for example with the ears or the brain, since our sense of balance is located or controlled there.

Unclear, recurring cases of malaise must therefore be clarified by a doctor. Do not use the above remedies for nausea again until your doctor has given you the “green light” for it!

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