Natural Remedies For A Coated Tongue

There are various causes for tongue coating, but mostly it is harmless. If in doubt, however, you should definitely have a medical examination carried out!

Natural remedies for a coated tongue
coated tongue appears  naturally during the day, but it can also indicate various diseases. Digestive disorders or a weakened liver function can hide behind it.
If an unusual coating on the tongue forms, you should see a doctor, as this could also be a sign of candidiasis. Of course, it can also just be a matter of poor hygiene. Furthermore, a  coated tongue can  result from tobacco consumption or a weakened immune system.
Regardless of the reasons, we will then explain to you what you can do against tongue coating.

1. Garlic versus coated tongue

Garlic against coated tongue

Garlic is very versatile and can also help against tongue plaque. The white tuber is characterized by antibiotic and antifungal properties, which is  why it is very helpful, for example, when the tongue is covered with candidiasis or other microorganisms.

Garlic is also rich in vitamins that strengthen the immune system and stimulate cell regeneration!


  • It’s best to eat garlic raw. If you don’t like the taste or are afraid of getting bad breath, you can add it to salads and cold dishes.
  • If there is no other way, you can use garlic in hot recipes, but it will lose some of its positive properties.

2. Salt

Salt is very popular for skin scrubs, but you can also use it to nourish your coated  tongue. It acts like an antioxidant and also promotes wound healing. At the same time, it has an antiseptic effect and is therefore very helpful in the case of inflammation.

It is best to choose  natural salt that has not been chemically treated. 


  • Just rub a pinch of salt gently on your tongue.
  • Do not use salt that is too coarse, as this could cause injury.

3. Aloe vera

Aloe Vera against coated tongue

Aloe vera is a wonderful medicinal plant with numerous uses. It is best to get your own aloe vera plant so that you always have this natural product available.

You can use it to relieve inflammation and eliminate bacteria, which is also very beneficial for tongue blemishes.

Simply rub a teaspoon of the gel onto your tongue in a circular motion forminute. 

Another possibility:


  • 1 teaspoon of aloe-a gel (15 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Mix the aloe vera and water well and drink twice a day until the problem goes away.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric against coated tongue

Turmeric works against infections, fungi and pain in the mouth, among other things  The sharp feeling quickly disappears. You can not only use this spice against a coated tongue, but also promote  liver function and the digestive process. 

In addition, turmeric has a positive effect on the gallbladder.

In  combination with lemon and cayenne pepper, this root works particularly well. 


  • 1 teaspoon turmeric (5 g)
  • Lemon juice (a few drops)


  • Mix the two ingredients together to create a viscous paste.
  • Rub the mixture on your tongue for two minutes, then rinse your mouth with water afterwards.

As you can see, all of these natural remedies are very simple. They have no side effects and are effective against a coated tongue.

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