Natural Hair Treatment With Three Ingredients

Cinnamon repairs damaged and dry hair and stimulates its growth. Thanks to its antibacterial effect, it also works against fungi and dandruff

Natural hair treatment with three ingredients

Healthy, beautiful hair is a challenge. This natural hair treatment stimulates  its growth, strengthens it and removes all these impurities because it is constantly exposed to a variety of environmental factors.

There are many hair care products and cures on the market that are supposed to promote hair health, prevent hair loss and help us achieve full hair. However, many of them act very differently from person to person and therefore often do not meet our expectations.

When this happens, alternative treatment options are sought that will repair the hair and provide everything it needs. Without having to invest a lot of money, it is possible to get strong, beautiful hair.

For this reason we are sharing a great recipe with you today , in which an effective, natural hair treatment is created from just 3 ingredients, with which you can care for your hair and let it shine.

What is this natural hair treatment made of?

This natural hair product that will help you keep your hair shiny, combines the benefits of cinnamon and honey. For many years these two products have also been used in the industry to make hair care products.

What cinnamon can do for your hair

Natural hair treatment with cinnamon sticks

Cinnamon is known as an aromatic, healthy spice that is used in recipes in the kitchen and medicine. In the latter case, it helps promote health and prevent diseases.

However, many are not aware that cinnamon also stimulates the hair papillae and thus stimulates hair growth. Cinnamon is able to do this because of the enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants it contains.

The effects that we can benefit from here include:

  • Cleansing the scalp. The hair follicles, which multiply particularly well in a clean environment, benefit from this.
  • Antibacterial, antiviral and generally antiseptic effects. This prevents fungal infections of the scalp and dandruff.
  • Lightening the hair color. This especially happens to people with brown hair.
  • Contribution to the repair of damaged, dry hair.

What honey can do for your hair

Natural hair treatment with honey

Honey is definitely one of the most popular remedies in the world. It is used in a variety of ways in alternative medicine and is no less popular in gastronomy and as a natural sweetener.

Honey has been used in beauty care for a long time as it is said to have hydrating, antioxidant and antiseptic properties that benefit the skin and hair.

The beneficial effects of honey include:

  • It contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements that nourish, repair and protect hair and scalp.
  • Honey stimulates natural hair growth.
  • Split tips are repaired and sealed with the use of honey.
  • The hydrating properties of honey are particularly important for dry hair.
  • It strengthens the hair roots and thus helps prevent hair loss.
  • Honey acts like a natural hair conditioner.

Natural hair treatment with cinnamon, honey and balm

Natural hair treatment with cinnamon and honey

The combination of these three ingredients results in a unique hair care product that can be used to stimulate hair growth, repair damaged hair and bring it back to shine.

If you’ve found your hair to be dull, dry, and lackluster lately, this is a great recipe you should n’t miss out on.


  • 3 tablespoons of powdered cinnamon (24 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g)
  • 5 or 6 tablespoons of balm


  • First, mix the cinnamon and honey together well in a clean container.
  • Then add the specified amount of balm and make sure that the ingredients mix well.

The amounts mentioned result in so much hair care product that it is  sufficient for treating long hair. If you have short hair, you can use the natural conditioner twice.


  • First, wash your hair and comb it well to remove any felt.
  • Apply the conditioner with a hairbrush, covering all of your hair without applying it directly to the scalp, where it can cause irritation.
  • If it is easier for you, you can distribute the product through your hair by gently massaging it with your hands.
  • Cover your hair with a bag, then wrap a towel around your head. This is how you get better results.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes, then remove the towel. Cover your hair with the bag for an additional 3 to 4 hours before rinsing it out.

Since this is a natural treatment, it must be done repeatedly to achieve the desired results in a short period of time. Apply the treatment once or twice a week.

This recipe works for all hair types, but is especially good for normal or oily hair. If you have dry hair, add another tablespoon of olive oil to the recipe.

  • Note: Some people may experience a slight tingling sensation during treatment . This is normal.

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