Matcha Tea: Effects And Possible Uses

Like green tea, matcha tea is also made from the Camellia sinensis plant. However, its nutritional values ​​vary as the tea bushes are cared for differently and then processed differently. Find out interesting facts about this tea today. 

Matcha tea: effects and uses

Matcha tea  is very popular and has extremely interesting properties. The tea bushes Camellia sinensis are cultivated in a special way and the leaves are also processed with specific methods in order to obtain this product, which is used in the Japanese tea ceremony.

About 20 to 30 days before harvest, tea farmers shade the tea bushes to avoid exposure to direct sunlight. With this method, the plants produce more chlorophyll and also contain more amino acids. The leaves also take on a darker color.

Only the best leaves are harvested, which are picked by hand. All stems and leaf veins are removed. Then you steam and dry the leaves and finally they are ground into a fine, intensely green powder, which is named Matcha. Then learn interesting facts about the beneficial properties of this tea and how to use it.

Matcha tea and its nutrients

As already mentioned at the beginning, Matcha tea is characterized by a very specific nutritional profile. While this is very similar to other green teas,  the nutrients are present in higher concentrations. The SELF Nutrition Data database shows that one gram or one teaspoon of matcha contains the following nutrients:

  • Protein (between 250 and 300 mg)
  • Amino acids (approximately 272 mg)
  • Lipids (around 50 mg)
  • Minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus and iron
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E y K
Matcha tea

On the other hand, an estimate published in the Journal of Chromatography A suggests that  the amount of catechins in matcha is up to 137 times greater than in other teas. That is why this tea has special health-promoting properties.

The main uses of matcha tea

Matcha tea has been used more and more as a dietary supplement to promote well-being for a number of years. The preparation is very simple: you pour hot water over the green powder and stir it. The drink is ready. You can drink matcha tea or use it to prepare desserts, mixed drinks or cocktails.

Many appreciate the health-promoting applications. Although many properties are still unknown, various studies have shown that this tea is an excellent supplement in the prevention of various diseases.

Matcha tea and brain health

Matcha tea has beneficial effects on brain health. It contains stimulants such as caffeine and L-theanine, which perk you up and provide energy. 

A study in the journal F ood Research International published could find out that  Matcha improves attention, reaction speed and memory compared with a placebo. More research is needed in this area, but the results of this study suggest that it is a good dietary supplement to improve cognitive performance.

Matcha tea and heart health

Because this tea contains a high concentration of catechins, it also has beneficial effects on heart health. A revision of various studies published in the medical journal  Current Medicinal Chemistry found  that catechins have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet and anti-proliferative properties. 

Matcha and other green teas therefore have a supportive effect against high cholesterol levels, problems with blood pressure and other risk factors that could trigger chronic cardiovascular diseases.

Matcha tea healthy for the heart
Matcha tea promotes heart health.

Matcha cannot, of course, replace medical treatment. But the catechins it contains are very beneficial for healthy adults in preventing heart disease.

body weight

Matcha also has beneficial effects on body weight. It is not a miracle cure that can shed pounds in a short time. But as part of a healthy and varied diet in which calories are controlled, this tea can promote weight loss.

A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports that green tea extract increased fat burning by up to 17 percent during moderate exercise. In addition, other research shows that green tea consumption is associated with higher energy expenditure.

More research is needed in this area  to actually confirm these effects. That is why it is particularly important to follow the recommendations of a doctor or nutritionist when losing weight.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Matcha tea is considered safe for healthy adults to consume as long as it is used in moderation. Two to three cups of 1 g matcha each day are sufficient. However, this tea contains caffeine and can therefore have side effects if you ingest too much of it and are sensitive to this substance.

Possible side effects are:

  • irritability
  • insomnia
  • a headache
  • Racing heart
  • dizziness
  • Nausea and nausea

On the other hand, a revision of published literature published in the Chinese Medical Journal describes that the catechins of this tea can interfere with the absorption of iron. Therefore, patients with iron deficiency anemia need to be particularly careful. Matcha can also affect the absorption of zinc.

Patients with heart disease, kidney problems, or stomach ulcers should speak to their doctor before taking matcha tea. The ingredients could cause interactions with the prescribed medication. 

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