Make Your Own Ointment Against Mosquito Bites

Learn how you can easily make an ointment against mosquito bites yourself. Essential oils made from lavender, chamomile, lemongrass, and almonds are great for relieving the annoying itchiness.

Make your own ointment against mosquito bites

Learn how you can easily make an ointment against mosquito bites yourself. Essential oils made from lavender, chamomile, lemongrass, and almonds are great for relieving the annoying itchiness.

Who does not know it: You come back from vacation and scratch yourselves downright sore thanks to annoying mosquitoes, even though you have used an insect repellent.

If this happens to you too, a homemade ointment for mosquito bites can work wonders. You can find out how to do this in this article.

Make ointment against mosquito bites

You either live in a warm place with a humid climate yourself or plan your vacation in one – so there is always the risk of being stung.

Although there are some products available to buy to relieve itching, most of them are based on synthetic substances. However, it should be avoided as much as possible by using natural remedies that you already have at home.

Therefore, we present the three alternatives for a homemade ointment against mosquito bites.

Ointment against mosquito bites with candelilla wax and lavender

Candelilla wax is used for many cosmetic applications around the world. It is a safe material and is used as a base for various types of ointments.

The other main ingredient is lavender. Lavender oil has the great advantage that it acts as a natural repellent against mosquitoes.

It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help with swelling, skin irritation and itching caused by insects.

What you need

  • ½ tbsp candelilla wax (6 g)
  • 1 tbsp wool wax (12 g)
  • 5 tbsp sweet almond oil (75 ml)
  • 40 drops of lavender essential oil
  • Container with lid (for about 100 g)
  • Wooden spatula


  • Place the candelilla wax in a water bath along with the wool wax until both have melted together.
  • As soon as the wax has mixed and cooled a little, add the almond oil and stir with the spatula. Make sure that the temperature of the base drops so that the properties of the oil are not lost.
  • When the mixture is opaque and has a creamy consistency, add the lavender oil and stir it in gently with the spatula.
  • As soon as you get a homogeneous mass, pour everything into a sealable container and wait for the ointment to cool.
  • You can apply it to the affected area once it has set.

Ointment against mosquito bites with petroleum jelly and chamomile

Vaseline stimulates and accelerates cell renewal. An essential oil made from chamomile, which impresses with its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic properties, can be added to this ointment base.

The oil effectively combats inflammation and itching caused by mosquito bites. Like petroleum jelly, it also promotes cell renewal.

What you need

  • Vaseline or paraffin (100 g)
  • 1 tbsp dry chamomile (15 g)
  • Glass container (for about 100 g)
  • Wooden spoon
  • Filter or sieve
  • Gloves


  • Put the petroleum jelly in a water bath for a few minutes until it melts.
  • As soon as it is liquid, add the dry chamomile flowers and leave the water bath on medium setting for a few hours.
  • When the petroleum jelly has turned into the color of the chamomile, use a filter or sieve to remove the remaining herbs. This step should be carried out carefully and preferably with gloves, as the mixture is hot.
  • Pour the concentrate into a glass container and let it cool. The ointment is ready!

Ointment against mosquito bites with shea butter and lemongrass

Shea butter has been used since ancient times for its promising moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

The lemongrass, on the other hand, is characterized by its analgesic, antiseptic and insect repellent effect. Therefore, these two ingredients are perfect for a homemade ointment against mosquito bites.

What you need

  • 1 tbsp shea butter (15 g)
  • 1 tbsp almond oil (5 ml)
  • 20 drops of lemongrass essential oil
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil
  • small glass container (25 ml)
  • Wooden spatula


  • Heat the shea butter in a water bath for a few minutes. Once it has dissolved, take it off the stove and let it cool for a few minutes.
  • Just before the shea butter sets, add the almond oil and mix everything well with the wooden spatula.
  • As soon as you have obtained a homogeneous mass and it has cooled down a little, add the lavender and lemongrass oil.
  • Pour everything into a wide-mouthed container and stir. Let the ointment cool for a few hours before applying it.

If you now feel motivated to make an ointment yourself at home, all you have to do is get the necessary ingredients and then you can start right away.

Although the majority of the ingredients presented here are of natural origin, it is important to ensure that you do not have any allergies before using the ointments.

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