Lose Weight Effectively With The Fat Metabolism Diet

A fat metabolism diet can be very effective for losing weight. However, if you want to do it yourself at home, be sure to speak to a doctor or nutritionist beforehand.

Lose weight effectively with the fat metabolism diet

Due to the great demand that there is nowadays in the field of diets, new weight loss trends are constantly emerging. The fat metabolism diet has recently been very promising and popular .

Stay tuned and learn more about the process and possible successes of this diet.

What is a Fat Metabolism Diet?

The fat metabolism diet is a very strict diet that – as the name suggests – is supposed to stimulate the fat metabolism and thereby lead to extreme weight loss. It is possible to lose 20 to 30 kilos over a period of 4 months.

So what is it exactly?

In principle, the fat metabolism diet consists in restricting yourself entirely to natural foods. This means that any processed or packaged food is prohibited.

In addition, the consumption of fat, salt and sugar should be avoided.

Since the diet is very restrictive, you shouldn’t keep it going longer than recommended and talk to your doctor first about whether it’s even right for you.

In order to achieve the desired results, you also have to stick to the plan very closely.

What is the goal of this diet?

The aim of the fat metabolism diet is a change in diet: away from unhealthy and processed finished products towards freshly prepared, wholesome food.

Because it’s no secret that all the additives, especially the many added sugars in the “modern” food industry, cause many health problems (such as diabetes or high blood pressure) and even organ damage.

By reducing these highly processed foods, the negative effects of these products on the body should be reversed. In this way the organism can recover and become more functional again.

However, many diseases are irreversible and require lifelong treatment. So if you have diabetes, for example, you cannot simply stop your medical treatment because of the fat metabolism diet.

Apart from that, we recommend everyone to consult a doctor before starting this diet.

How do you follow a fat metabolism diet?

Stimulate metabolism and digestion

The fat metabolism diet is divided into 2 phases:

Phase 1

In this first phase, which lasts 4 months, you have to adapt your body to the new diet. This can be very difficult and requires a lot of perseverance.

You also have to get used to the new way of preparing your food. It also takes a while to learn how to measure the portions correctly in order to satisfy hunger. 

Apart from that, you have to adhere to a strict schedule during this time, from which you must not deviate under any circumstances.

It is recommended to eat something every 2 hours to keep the metabolism going. This also makes it easier for you to burn fat.

Phase 2

The second phase is about maintaining the results achieved in the previous phase. Theoretically, this phase should also last about 4 months, but many also choose to extend it. 

However, you should think twice about this decision. Talk to your doctor about this and read medical studies to find out what exactly is best for your body.

Foods to Avoid

As you have probably already noticed, the list of prohibited foods for a fat metabolism diet is very long. Basically everything should be avoided that is not in its natural form when you buy it.

However, there are also many natural ingredients that are excluded from this diet. This complicates the menu even more. You have to do without the following:

  • The most difficult thing for many will be to do without bread, pasta, cakes and other white flour products.
  • Of course, sugar and other sweeteners, as well as alcohol or vinegar, are also prohibited.
  • Fatty fish (such as salmon) or meat products (such as sausage) are also excluded.
  • There are even restrictions on fruit that is high in sugar and on high-carbohydrate vegetables. These include banana, melon, fig, pineapple as well as eggplant, cauliflower, potatoes and carrots.

Allowed foods

healthy salad in the fat metabolism diet

Although the list of prohibited foods is long, the same applies to the list of permitted foods. You just have to rethink and discover the numerous alternatives. 

Lean red meat, fish and poultry are allowed. You should pay attention to a low-fat preparation, such as gentle steaming or cooking in the oven. Soups with meat and fish are also an excellent solution.

Other proteins that you can consume include eggs and low-fat dairy products (e.g. low-fat quark).

As far as vegetables are concerned, almost anything is allowed and your choice is very diverse. Above all, you should eat vegetables with stems and leaves, such as salads and green leafy vegetables.

These are high in fiber. Root vegetables, on the other hand, are rather high in carbohydrates and should be avoided in this diet.

You also have a large selection of fruit, but you shouldn’t eat too much of it overall, so as not to raise your blood sugar level too much.

Now you know about the fat metabolism diet and you can decide for yourself whether it is suitable for you or not.

It is best to talk to your doctor or nutritionist beforehand, because one more opinion can never hurt. I wish you success!

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