Lose Weight During Menopause: 5 Diet Tips

There are many aspects of diet that can be improved to make it easier to lose weight during menopause. This not only benefits the figure, but is also a decisive factor for optimal health.

Losing weight during menopause: 5 nutrition tips

Losing weight during menopause is a necessity that goes beyond purely aesthetic issues.

Of course, it’s perfectly normal to worry about your figure at this stage in your life. But first and foremost, an adequate weight is important for your health.

The body and its functions change relatively suddenly due to the hormonal changes that occur in this phase of life.

This slows down the metabolism. In addition, there is an increasing tendency towards fat accumulation, fluid accumulation and loss of muscle mass.

To counteract all of these effects, it is important to understand the role diet plays in all of this. Many women do not attach great importance to this question.

However, good nutrition is essential to achieve a healthy weight and prevent disease.

So what are the most important things about menopausal weight loss ? So what should you do differently in your diet? Since we know that many women are looking for answers to these questions, here are some recommendations.

Healthy diet for losing weight during menopause

Eating a healthy diet is the best way to lose weight during menopause. Of course, it’s wise to complement this with other beneficial behaviors.

But eating foods with a high nutritional quality contributes fundamentally to optimizing your metabolism and energy expenditure.

Your body goes through many changes in this phase of life. That is why a sufficient intake of nutrients must be ensured.

Especially during the menopause there are actually some special dietary requirements. Because through them you can prevent chronic diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis.

The good news is that eating a healthy diet for menopausal weight loss doesn’t require any great restrictions or strict diet plans.

You can easily create a balanced and comprehensive diet plan that is both low in fat and low in calories by combining healthy ingredients.

Menopausal weight loss foods

Menopausal weight loss foods

If the goal is to support the metabolic functions for weight loss during menopause, you should supplement your diet with some foods that are very useful because of their properties:

  • Lean meat (chicken, pork, or turkey)
  • fish and seafood
  • Whole grain cereals (oatmeal, rice, whole grain bread, etc.)
  • fruit and vegetables
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, peas, soybeans)
  • Dried fruits and various seeds
  • Healthy fats (olive oil, avocado, sunflower)

What is important in the diet for menopausal weight loss

You should pay attention to which foods are beneficial for menopausal weight loss.

In addition, it is good to follow a number of tips that will contribute to a healthier, more effective diet.

1. Consume more protein

Proteins for losing weight during menopause

Foods rich in biologically valuable proteins are essential for women going through menopause.

This macronutrient helps maintain lean body mass. In addition, proteins serve as a source of energy for better performance.

If you include such foods in your daily diet, you will complement the effects of your exercise. Because that’s how you preserve muscle mass. At the same time, your metabolism is stimulated and helps you lose weight.

Some foods with protein are:

  • Lean meat
  • fish and seafood
  • Legumes and dried fruits
  • Eggs and products made from eggs
  • Dairy products

2. Make yourself a balanced breakfast

One of the biggest mistakes menopausal women make is this: they skip breakfast because they think this is “calorie saving”. But this is by no means beneficial for weight loss.

On the contrary, it rather leads to a weakening. In addition, the feeling of hunger and the risk of food cravings increase at the same time.

A healthy, balanced breakfast should provide 25% of your total daily calorie intake. So, by no means should you replace it with a plain coffee with biscuits or other processed foods.

3. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables for losing weight during menopause

Fruits and vegetables are the best companions for losing weight during menopause.

These foods are rich in nutrients and have beneficial properties. These help burn fat without harming your health.

  • Eat five to six servings a day to prevent food cravings, keep you energized, and improve your metabolism.

    4. Avoid saturated fats and sugars

    The metabolism works more slowly after the onset of menopause. Therefore , it is important to keep your intake of foods with saturated fats and sugar to a minimum so as not to overload it.

    • Manufactured foods, baked goods, and sweets shouldn’t be part of your diet. It is important to pay close attention to the labels. This way you can avoid adding these types of foods to your diet without even realizing it.

    5. Drink more water

    Drink more water for weight loss during menopause

    Drinking plenty of water is still one of the keys to maintaining a healthy and balanced weight.

    This vital fluid helps detoxify the body. It also regulates body temperature and prevents energy loss.

    • Consuming water increases the feeling of satiety between meals and improves digestion. For this reason, it is recommended to drink between 6 and 8 glasses a day.

    Do you also try to lose weight during menopause? Are you worried about being overweight?

    Then don’t hesitate and try out these tips. You will see that they will help you to do something good for yourself in this phase of life.

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