Knee Joint Dislocation: Causes And Treatment

A knee joint dislocation is a dislocation of the knee joint. This injury is extremely painful. It is imperative that it be treated correctly.

Knee dislocation: causes and treatment

A dislocation is a joint injury. This can lead to a joint capsule tear with displacement of the joint surfaces that are otherwise in contact with one another. In knee dislocation, the bones that need to return to their natural position are the femur and the shin.

Generally , this dislocation only affects the bones. However, doctors should always check whether muscles, blood vessels or other nearby areas of the body may also have been damaged.

Common causes of knee dislocation

Sportsman sits on cinder track and holds his knee

There are several possible causes of joint dislocation in general. These include , for example, the following :

  • Injury to the joint from a fall or similar. The manner and intensity of the dislocation can vary slightly. Such injuries can happen during sports or in the work environment. Likewise in the household.
  • Bad blood circulation. In this case, the data subject already has this type of violation. It is therefore more susceptible (dislocations occur more frequently).
  • Congenital malformations. Due to a physical malformation, patients are more prone to this type of injury from birth.
  • Strong and sudden movement. An involuntary, sudden movement etc. leads to a dislocation of the joint.
  • In some cases, a dislocation can occur spontaneously due to the specific physical characteristics of the person concerned.

Symptoms of knee dislocation

In general , patients with this problem have a number of characteristic symptoms. The most common signs of knee dislocation are:

  • Severe pain or discomfort in the joint when the person tries to move it.
  • Slight swelling in the area where the dislocation occurred. The patient may also have bruises in that area.
  • There may also be tingling and high sensitivity as well as a feeling of numbness. Then the nerves are also affected by the injury.
  • In addition, the joint can appear misshapen. Because it is in an unnatural position.

    Types of knee dislocation

    If the person experiences a knee dislocation for the first time, it is a one-time injury. But this can become chronic. If the patient has suffered the same dislocation in the past, this is called a recurring problem.

    In addition, there are people who very often suffer from sprains throughout their bodies. These are then called habitual dislocations. In these cases, the cause lies in diseases that affect the tissue that forms the joints. This includes, for example, the so-called Marfan syndrome.

    This type of dislocation can also be classified according to the movement of the tibia in relation to the femur. In this way, earlier, later as well as internal and external dislocations of the knee can be determined.

    Treatment and rehabilitation

    Knee dislocation

    Doctors should first determine what type of dislocation the affected person is. However, in all cases the following measure is ultimately important: You want to bring the individual components of the knee back into their original position.

    Then you should immobilize the entire knee with the help of a splint. The duration of this immobilization can be between two and three weeks, depending on the severity of the injury.

    Furthermore , surgery may be necessary in more severe cases. Because sometimes this is the only way to put the dislocated bones back in the right place. It may also be necessary to treat the ligaments or the meniscus, for example.

    After the prescribed rest period has expired, the doctors remove the splint from the joint again. However, the patient then has to do a number of rehabilitation exercises as part of the treatment. Only then can the affected knee joint regain as much mobility as possible as quickly as possible.

    What can you do to prevent it from happening in the first place?

    Typically , this type of injury occurs during sports activities. Therefore, there are a number of simple guidelines you can follow from the outset and avoid knee dislocation.

    This also includes, for example, the use of suitable shoes. They should meet the requirements of the surface you are playing on. You should also avoid slippery floors if possible. Because there the risk of falling is higher. In any case, it is recommended that you warm up before training. Because this is how you prepare your body for the challenges ahead.

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