In Life You Don’t Get Anything For Free!

Life gives us nothing if we don’t want to be given a gift …

In life you don't get anything for free!

In life, many people wait for life itself to give them rich gifts.

But they forget that waiting alone does not make anyone happy and that everyone is responsible for blowing confetti into their lives – giving themselves rich presents.

Life on hold for happiness

Does your life feel like you’re on hold on happiness?

Everything that comes doesn’t make you happy? You could be complaining about your life almost non-stop because everything that happens to you seems negative? And you are sure to complain because this or that “again” or “as always” went wrong.

Do you recognize yourself

Perhaps you are also waiting for something to finally happen to you that will bring you further in life.

That something happens that brings the turning point, that brings you forward towards happiness. Are you waiting for a “gift from heaven” to make you feel better?

Where should the present come from? Life doesn’t have free gifts, only those that you give yourself!

Success is homemade

What do you think happened to successful, happy people? Did you get success and happiness as a “gift from heaven” from life or did you do something to make it well for you?

As a rule, you have to admit: nothing comes from nothing! Such people are personally responsible for their success!

And that’s exactly what you can learn from your life: taking things into your own hands, taking responsibility and taking the helm yourself!

If you have a firm grip on the rudder, you too can determine where the journey is going! If you land in shallows or a storm, it is because you personally did not turn the wheel around in time.


Take responsibility

If you just sit there and wait for life to give you something, you will waste your time waiting – and complaining about how difficult life is because you don’t get anything for free.

Instead of just waiting, you can also take action and take responsibility. Responsibility for you and your life.

Of course, this is a bit more involved than waiting lazily for happiness and complaining that only others will find it, but the big difference is: those who are active are rewarded. If you look, you will find!

And whoever waits forever will also wait tomorrow – and still be annoyed tomorrow that nothing has happened yet.


The change starts with you!

You have probably already thought: “My life should change”, but this very thought is the first step in the wrong direction!

Think active, be active!

Your life doesn’t have to change , you have to change it yourself!

Are you not satisfied with your current situation because your relationship is not optimal, your job is not fulfilling you, you have too little time and you are sick too often?

Then it’s long time to take responsibility for yourself and to change the things that don’t suit you!

The longer you wait before tackling things, the longer you wait for the “gift from heaven”, the more time that elapses in which you are unhappy.

The best time to change all of this was yesterday, so you’re running late! Start now and today to change things that you could have done yesterday!

And while you are cleaning up your yesterday’s life to shape your tomorrow’s life, be vigilant of what you are doing.

Think long-term and consider how which action will affect you in the future.

Maybe the new relationship you are rushing into is just the next shadow over your life in the future? Take responsibility and rethink and consider the consequences of each and every one of your actions.


Be strong and tackle it!

Trust in yourself and be aware of every single step you take to give yourself a piece of a better life.

Be strong and put doubts, uncertainties and fear out of your way. Walk your new path step by step with your head held high.

The first gift that you will receive is that of your increased self-confidence, which gives you even more strength to go further and to discover new gifts every day and to enjoy them.

Gifts that don’t fall from the sky, but gifts that you have given yourself and earned. And you will notice how valuable they are …

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