If Someone Places You In Front Of The Abyss, You Sometimes Learn To Fly

Just approaching an abyss is a test of courage. But after the emptiness and all the difficulties, a world opens up with new possibilities that are worthwhile.

When someone puts you in front of the abyss, you sometimes learn to fly

In the course of your life  you have certainly faced an abyss several times. Moments of suffering in which we approach emptiness holding the hand of other people.

We are obviously talking about traumatic relationships that damage our self-esteem and push us to the limits of our strength. Sometimes you might even think that all is lost.

But it is said  that only in extreme situations do we become aware of how strong our courage  and our inner strength is. Because even if it doesn’t always look like this, we all have wings to fly.

When you are faced with the abyss, turn your gaze upwards

Woman with wings over the abyss

We all ran aground at one point or another. These moments of introspection mean an obligatory reconstruction of the inside, a deep reflection. Nobody should be ashamed of falling,  and nobody should hate themselves for allowing themselves to touch the abyss .

Life means making experiences and making mistakes. If some relationships bring unhappiness, it is because love has filled you with illusions and trust in the other person.

Everyone deserves the chance to be happy.

But happiness cannot always be guaranteed. Often sadness leads us to our personal limits, which we approach through other people.

But there are things that you shouldn’t allow yourself to be in a relationship!

The abyss is always cold, because at this limit nothing opens up, the void. But after that there are also new opportunities. This is exactly where you have to open your wings vigorously, offer resistance and activate all of the inner strength that everyone has.

  • In these moments of emotional suffering, we feel that we have reached our limits. We hear ourselves utter the phrase “I can’t anymore”. But when it comes to that, you should say to yourself “this way and no further”.
  • Do not look down where the helplessness, the desolation, the weakness and the discouragement lie. At this moment you have to spread your wings and take back yourself:  your optimism, your self-confidence and your self-love to fight with all your might.

    Spread your wings and prove your resilience to yourself

    At the beginning we spoke of that inner power that is inherent in all of us and that helps us to overcome suffering, loss and disappointment. All those facts that bring our minds and hearts to the abyss where all seems to be lost can be overcome.

    The ability  to discover this power within ourselves, to provoke change and to spread our  wings, is also called resilience. With this natural resilience, we can cope with very difficult and complicated situations and learn from them for the future.

    The resilience is in you

    You too have this ability, even if you don’t believe in it. You too are brave and can overcome and achieve the impossible. To implement this skill, you can follow these steps:

    • You have to understand that pain is part of our life. We lose some people, we disappoint others. Life is made up of discrepancies and difficulties that test us and sometimes bring us closer to the abyss.
    • You have to learn that you are not weak just because it has come this far and you are faced with emptiness. This is also not due to a fatal error. It is a way that you trusted and that has been proven wrong for various reasons.

    It’s time to react, change direction, and spread your wings.

    • Accept that it will be difficult, that the pain will be with you for a while. But when you start to fly, to react and to  distance yourself from the triggers of the pain, this is already a sign of strength and courage.

    It will hurt a little less each day as you have learned to use your resilience.

    Resilience is the best emotional wisdom

    You consist of all those things that you have experienced and overcome in life. In your mind and in your heart there are battles that only you know and define.

    • If in the course of your life you are approaching more than one abyss,  it means that you dare to live, to take risks  because you feel it is worth it.
    • Overcoming difficulties, leaving relationships that could make you unhappy for a lifetime … all of these shape your character, give you strength and wisdom.
    • Because resilience is the emotional parachute that makes you strong and prevents you from falling. This will teach you to survive in this highly complex world where happiness and joy cannot always be guaranteed.
    Woman in blue remembers the abyss in her mind

    So if you’re approaching an abyss, don’t look down. Look inside yourself and remember that you deserve to be happy again. After the abyss, new opportunities and possibilities open up.

    Spread your wings and show your courage!

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