I Learned To Be Strong When I Had To Straighten Myself Up On My Own

Even if it sounds tough: In the end we can only rely on ourselves. And that’s why we need to learn to overcome adversity, prioritize our needs, and take care of ourselves

I learned to be strong when I had to straighten myself up on my own

To be happy with yourself, you must first be strong. And this requires that you understand that you are the only person in the world who is responsible for it.

Nobody will fan you if you catch your breath, nobody will make you strong   enough that you can get up every morning and cope with your everyday life. You have to convince yourself that you can do it.

And strength lies in healthy self-esteem, motivation, hope and energy.

Our happiness is built on these four pillars. They are sensitive to attacks from external factors such as toxic relationships with certain people, long-term tension and stress, and everyday disappointments.

Today we invite you to reflect with us on simple strategies that can enable you to better deal with the adversities of life.

When life demands you to be strong

The world-famous scientist Stephen Hawking once said that it is “useless and a waste of time to complain”.

Of course, we have the right to express our displeasure, but if we find ourselves in a tricky position, then a complaint will not solve the problem: only we ourselves can actively do something to find our way out of the dilemma.

It is not easy to acknowledge this fact. The support from loved ones, from family and friends, should not be underestimated at this point and is indispensable, but we must take the essential steps to an improved life situation ourselves.

To do this, we have to convince ourselves that we are strong enough. We find this conviction in the depths of our hearts.


Nobody consciously chooses weakness. It is the circumstances that sometimes overwhelm us and put us to the test. Then it becomes necessary that we become aware of our thoughts and feelings and control them in such a way that we can emerge stronger from the situation.

Here we explain how you can do it. There are a few simple strategies that can help you with this. They allow you to learn how to be strong when life presents you with challenges.

Trust the change: the strength depends on yourself

Those who love you can give you a hand to make it easier for you to get up after a defeat. But you have to stretch your legs, your feet have to carry you. If your mind is telling you that it would be better to lie there, then no kind hand will help either.

It is up to you whether you are strong enough to make a few simple changes in your life:

  • The positive dialogue should shape your everyday life. Just as you make an effort to eat healthily and exercise regularly, you can also heal your thoughts. Delete all “I can’t do this.”, “This is not feasible.”, “Today this is not for me.”   etc.
  • If you direct your mind to something positive, then your feelings will follow your thoughts. This is how you gain emotional security.

    Accept that in life you also have to let go and let go

    It is not uncommon in self-help books that we have to learn to let go of certain people, certain things. But it is certainly not easy.

    • We hold on to the people we love because they bring us closer to happiness. The give and take in such relationships brings us joy. And when these relationships change, fail, cease to exist, then it is extremely difficult for us to let go.
    • It’s more about understanding that nothing in life is safe. What we have today can no longer exist tomorrow. We still have to learn to deal with this forced renunciation. We should be prepared.
    • The acceptance of separation, pain and loss is the key to getting our life back on track: “I accept that you don’t love me anymore. It pains me a lot, but I understand that I have to keep going on my way. To do this, I have to love myself and be strong. I live.”

    Take care of yourself and reward yourself

    It is not the others who take good care of you, but you yourself. What does that mean? Think about it:

    If we convince ourselves that nothing good is waiting for us in life, that our train has already left and that we have to stop at this stop forever, that there will never be more respect, love and happiness, then we take ourselves even every wind from the sails.

    Because it is actually the case that the worst enemy resides in our minds.


    Change your  outlook on life and your life will change. It’s that simple. Stop prioritizing each other’s needs. Realize that if you don’t take care of yourself, no one will be around.

    If we do not treat ourselves with respect, we open doors and gates to those who want to manipulate and exploit us.

    Answer the following question: When was the last time you rewarded yourself?

    To be strong, you must be able to allow yourself pleasure and happiness. Give yourself positive thoughts and feelings. Go for a walk, enjoy nature. You live in the here and now and at no other time can you find your happiness.

    Look for light and laughter and look in the mirror every now and then, because you will find a lovable person here.

    Make yourself a present: a delicious meal, an afternoon at the beach, a new dress, a new haircut, an evening with friends.

    The moments of happiness lived are those that make us strong in times of grief. Life is beautiful and worth fighting for. Stand up, your legs will carry you.

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