How To Tighten Your Skin With These 6 Facial Exercises

If you want to keep your skin tight, facial exercises are important. The following exercises can be performed at any time. All it takes is a few minutes a day for good results.

How to tighten your skin with these 6 facial exercises

With age, the skin sags as less collagen and elastin are produced. As a result, wrinkles and other signs of aging appear. Certain environmental factors can also accelerate this process. But with  facial exercises, you can keep your skin firmer and young longer.

Today we explain to you how you can easily do these  facial exercises anytime, anywhere.

Are you ready?

1. Forehead exercise

Forehead exercise - facial exercises for firm skin.

You can use this exercise to delay the appearance of wrinkles on your forehead. This tightens slack tissue, improves blood circulation and  thus supplies the skin with more oxygen. 

How does the exercise go?

  • Retreat to a quiet place where you can relax.
  • Place your palms on your forehead and stretch your skin from the center outwards. 
  • Then relax for 10 seconds and repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times.

2. Train the eye area

If you train the skin around your eyes with this muscle building exercise, you can prevent or reduce unsightly  crow’s feet.

You can use it to tighten the skin and promote the distribution of collagen and elastin. 

How does the exercise go?

  • Use your index finger and thumb to form a kind of circle as if you were shaping glasses.
  • Wrap it around your eyes, gently squeezing the area, stretching the skin as you go.
  • After 2 to 3 seconds, you can relax.

3. Facial exercises for your cheeks

Facial exercises for your cheeks.

Sagging cheeks look ugly and make you older than you actually are. With facial exercises, however, you can train the muscles in this area.

How does the exercise go?

  • Inhale and puff your cheeks.
  • When they’re tense and inflated, tap them with your fingertips.
  • Hold cheeks tight for 10 seconds and then exhale slowly.
  • Then move your lips right and left.
  • Do 10 repetitions and then relax.

3. Eyelid Exercise

The eyelids are delicate and droop quickly when there is a lack of nutrients under the skin. With consistent training, you can improve elasticity in this area. 

How does the exercise go?

  • Place your index fingers between the bottom of your eye and your nose.
  • Without opening your mouth, start blinking quickly and try to look up at the ceiling.
  • Wink for 20 to 30 seconds and do 3 repetitions.

5. Facial exercises for the mouth area

Facial exercise for the area around the mouth.

The skin around the mouth is constantly attacked by the sun, toxins, and certain foods. In this area, the skin is thinner and is often neglected.

Fortunately, this muscle building exercise is very simple and can be done several times a day.

How does the exercise go?

  • Open your mouth as wide as possible for 3 seconds, then close it.
  • Do 10 repetitions, 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Then make vowels with your mouth in front of the mirror, moving your mouth excessively.
  • Do 10 reps, then relax.

6. Chin and neck exercise

Exercising your chin and neck area every day will help prevent sagging and inflammation.

How does the exercise go?

  • Standing or sitting with your back straight, look straight ahead.
  • Lean your head back, look up at the ceiling, and move your mouth as if you are chewing.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position
  • Do 10 to 15 repetitions.

Do you want to keep your skin young and firm? Do these simple facial exercises as a great addition to your grooming routine.

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