How To Improve Your Skin During Menopause

Are you in menopause and you notice that your skin is changing too? To keep your skin healthy during menopause, you should avoid harmful habits and stay adequately hydrated – internally and externally. Read on to find out what else you can do.

This is how you improve your skin during menopause

Menopause marks a phase of complex changes in a woman’s life. You have to deal with many different aspects that are not only internal but also external. Your skin is one of the areas that suffers particularly badly during menopause. In addition, it is weakened by the weather and climate.

In today’s article we want to give you some tips on how you can improve your skin during menopause and keep it adequately hydrated.

What happens to your skin during menopause?

during menopause - woman in the flower field

A woman’s skin is 25% thinner than that of a man at any stage of life. However, this is exacerbated during menopause.

Over the years, the dermis ages and its basic functions gradually change. This includes, for example, regulating body temperature, protecting against harmful solar radiation, protecting against germs and bacteria and storing water and nutrients.

Although this depends on your genetics and general lifestyle, you will start to notice signs of aging by the age of 50 :

  • dryness
  • Sagging skin
  • Rough texture
  • wrinkles

In addition, you will also notice that your skin loses firmness, changes pigmentation, benign growths develop, and possible vascular problems develop.

  • Your dermis is less hydrated, which reduces its ability to regenerate tissues and heal wounds.
  • In addition, it also contains less collagen and therefore your skin loses its elasticity.
  • Because your body makes less estrogens, the number of cells responsible for your skin tone decreases. This leads to the formation of pigment spots.
  • In addition, the skin on your hands and soles of your feet becomes thicker and more cracks can form.

The skin during menopause

You can regulate hormonal changes through medical treatments.

In addition, you should change or improve certain behaviors and habits if you want to keep your skin glowing and fresh during the menopause.

Therefore, you should consider the following recommendations:

Protect yourself adequately from the sun

Although UV rays are generally harmful at any age, your skin is no longer able to protect itself to the same extent during the menopause. Therefore, you should always use sunscreen with a high sun protection factor, especially at noon and in the summer months.

It is also recommended that you spend 15 minutes in the sun every day. So you can provide you with sufficient vitamin D. It also improves your bone health, as it facilitates the absorption of calcium, among other things.

If you have very light skin, you should always use sunscreen (even if it’s cloudy or cold).

Drink enough water

during menopause - drink enough

It is very important that you drink two to three liters of water a day so that you are already hydrated internally.

If you don’t really enjoy drinking plain water, you can replace it with natural juices, fruit smoothies or herbal teas. Coffee, soda, and alcohol are not on this list as they have the opposite effect.

In addition, you should also use a special moisturizer for your face and body. There are many such products available for women at this stage of life. Use them in the morning and in the evening.


Good skin hygiene is fundamental to looking younger and healthier.

Therefore, you should wash your face with a natural soap that keeps the pH of your skin in the slightly alkaline range and at the same time does not affect the hydrolipid barrier.

After cleansing , apply a cream to protect your skin.

When drying your skin, you should never rub hard to avoid irritation.

Provide your skin with adequate nutrients during menopause

In addition to using healthy creams and the right skin care, we also recommend that you eat a balanced diet. Make sure your diet is high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Fruits and vegetables are ideal because they are not only natural, but also contain lots of water and valuable nutrients.

Avoid unhealthy fats, white flour, and sugar. In addition, you should also avoid processed foods and fast foods. Instead, opt for homemade, healthy, and seasonal ingredients.

This diet provides your body with everything it needs to protect you from free radicals that can damage the health of your skin.


during menopause - peeling

You should also thoroughly exfoliate your skin once a week to remove impurities and stimulate cell renewal.

You can use homemade masks that you can make from sugar and honey, for example. They will slow down the effects time has on your face and neck.

Exercise regularly during menopause

If you want to have glowing and healthy skin, physical activity is very important. This is true at any age, but especially during menopause.

Regular exercise removes toxins through the pores of your skin and improves the elasticity of your skin.

But that’s by no means all of the benefits that sport offers you: It helps prevent osteoporosis, improves your heart health, reduces stress and gives you more vitality.

It is therefore very important that you are physically active on a regular basis, including calm and relaxed exercises. If you don’t normally exercise too much, you can start practicing yoga, pilates, or swimming.

Say goodbye to unhealthy habits.

We’re talking about smoking, stress, and alcohol. They all affect your health and this in turn affects the condition and appearance of your skin.

Smoking, for example, not only adds harmful toxins to your body, it also prevents the dermis from regenerating itself and staying hydrated.

Stress goes hand in hand with other ailments such as insomnia, which causes dark circles under the eyes and spots on the skin.

And alcohol can have similar negative effects as smoking. That’s because the toxins that alcohol puts into the body are harder to break down.

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