How To Develop A Plan To Lose Weight Without Suffering

In order to lose weight without suffering, one has to change the basic idea of ​​the diet. Instead of counting on miracle diets, one should better pay attention to a balanced and healthy diet.

How To Develop A Plan To Lose Weight Without Suffering

Many people who are overweight or obese are looking for a plan that will allow them to  lose weight without suffering .

However, with many diets that promise rapid weight loss, you have to limit yourself severely.

Most find it difficult to understand that in order to lose weight, one needs to improve diet and lifestyle habits and that one should be consistent in doing so.

The miracle diets may seem like a great way to gain a healthy weight quickly, but their effects are often counterproductive.

That’s why it’s important to learn how to get rid of those extra pounds without harming your health. Today we would like to give you tips on how to lose weight without suffering so that you can put together your own diet.

Tips to Develop a Weight Loss Plan Without Suffering

There are those who combine the concept of diet and healthy eating with boring procedures that ultimately only cause suffering.

But that’s not true at all, because a healthy diet is not boring, it means a change in lifestyle!

Consider vegan diet

Many fail to integrate healthy eating as a permanent part of their lives. You only eat healthy for a few days or maybe weeks.

Therefore, they do not lose the excess pounds permanently and thus enter a vicious circle that can also be detrimental to health.

Can you lose weight without suffering? Of course that is possible!

It may take a little longer, but there is advice out there to help you lose weight without suffering too many restrictions or crash dieting.

1. Eat varied

One of the main rules for losing weight without suffering is to eat a little of everything.

Our organism has nutritional needs that we cannot change. This is why it is important to have an eating plan that includes all of the nutrients.

It helps to cut down on carbohydrates and fats, but you shouldn’t cut them off!

The key to weight loss without suffering is to prepare each dish in a balanced way and to eat just the right amount.

A healthy diet should include the following foods:

  • Legumes and whole grains
  • lean meat
  • Grains and dried fruit
  • fruit and vegetables
  • low fat dairy products

2. Divide the portions correctly

Divide the portions

Many of us were taught to eat three times a day. For a number of years, however, it has been recommended to eat between five and six meals a day.

So it happens that in addition to the three main meals, you should have two other small snacks.

3. Have a balanced breakfast every day

Skipping breakfast to save calories is a big mistake. It may seem logical not to eat if you want to eat fewer calories. But in reality it is of no use at all.

Not having breakfast increases nervousness and anxiety. That’s why you eat a lot more later.

4. Drink more water

Drink enough water

If you drink enough water every day, you will support weight loss without suffering. While some may find it difficult to drink enough water, it is really important as a supplement to a healthy diet.

Water as well as teas and fruit juices support the body in balancing the fluid balance and eliminating toxins.

5. Keep yourself physically active

The best addition to a fat burning diet is adequate fitness. It doesn’t really matter which diet you follow. You have to activate the body so that the energy consumption is increased.

This habit increases general wellbeing and effectively eliminates excess fat deposits.

However, it is important to slowly increase the fitness routine so that you don’t overwhelm yourself and ask the impossible. You can also choose alternative sports and activities to the gym so that the sport doesn’t become boring or routine.

Try it with:

  • Walking or running
  • swim
  • Zumba class
  • Pilates
  • yoga

Examples of a Weight Loss Without Suffering Plan

Any diet model based on balanced eating can be used to lose weight without suffering.

We’d like to show you some simple examples of menu plans below. They can help you create your own balanced, low-calorie, healthy meals.

Eat a healthy breakfast

For breakfast

  • Tea as you like, cup of coffee with low-fat milk, cookies with sugar-free jam.
  • Vegetable shake, slice of wholemeal bread with tomato, portion of fruit.
  • Orange juice, chicken sandwich with vegetables, portion of fruit salad.


  • Bowl of oatmeal with milk and cinnamon.
  • Red tea, crispy bread sticks with low-fat cheese.
  • Skimmed yogurt with red berries.

At lunchtime

  • Red cabbage salad with mango, cream cheese and nuts; grilled salmon with fruit salad.
  • Seared vegetables with pepper, a portion of grilled chicken breast and rocking peter for dessert.
  • Cream of carrot soup, grilled fish and a serving of whole grain rice.

    In the afternoon

    • Plant-based milk with wholemeal biscuits.
    • Fruit salad with oatmeal.
    • Yogurt with dried fruit.

    For dinner

    • Baked artichokes, chicken with fine herbs and banana.
    • Pasta broth, grilled fish, skimmed yogurt.
    • Cream of tomato soup, cooked salmon on green asparagus and leek, a slice of pineapple.

    Do you want to lose weight without suffering? Try these tips in your diet plan. Results may not show up overnight, but it is the safest, most permanent way to gain a healthy weight.

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