How Does Breathing Affect The Brain?

Calm, deep breathing can relieve the feeling of stress and nervousness and also improve the ability to concentrate.

How does breathing affect the brain?

As we all know, the brain is one of the most important organs in the body, but it is also very sensitive. It depends on changes in our body, such as fluctuations in blood sugar levels or heart rhythm. Breathing  also has a major effect on the brain. In today’s article you will learn more about this highly interesting topic.

When we breathe, we take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide through our lungs. It is well known that oxygen is essential for all vital reactions in the body.  Breathing  is an automatic process that is normally carried out unconsciously. However, if we focus on it, we can control and consciously influence it.

Much research has been carried out into the effects of breathing on the brain in recent years  New breathing techniques have also been developed that help us improve many aspects of our lives. Find out more about it afterwards.

How does breathing affect the brain?

We have long been aware of the importance of breathing. In particular, ancient Indian techniques such as yoga teach us various breathing techniques that also play an important role in meditation.

The effects of breathing on the brain were long unknown, however, and a recent research study by Stanford University showed that the relationship between breathing and relaxation has a scientific basis linked to brain mechanisms.

We have known for a long time that deep breathing can help to cope with stressful and anxious situations. However, until recently  , the exact mechanisms that could scientifically explain this process were not known. The study mentioned was able to show that there is a specific group of nerve cells in the brain that have to do with it.

There are approximately 350 neurons distributed throughout the central nervous system. They differentiate themselves from other nerve cells because they are more active when breathing quickly. This is important because these neurons also stimulate other areas of the brain.

This can lead to feelings of panic, stress or fatigue. Breathing has a direct impact on the brain and the feelings mentioned.

How does breathing affect the brain?
Techniques such as yoga have long attached special importance to breathing.

What are the benefits of these insights into breathing?

The effect of breathing on the brain enables us to  consciously observe and change our breathing habits in order to adapt them to certain life situations. As mentioned earlier, slow, deep breathing can activate the neurons in the breath control center.

We can thus  reduce stress and anxiety. It is also easier to control panic attacks with proper breathing. We speak of a controlled, rhythmic and deep breathing that takes place via the diaphragm (also called the diaphragm) and in which not only the upper chest area moves.

This breathing technique has long been practiced when practicing yoga and meditation. There are also certain breathing methods that make childbirth easier and that are taught in antenatal courses.

It should not be forgotten that  these techniques can also be used in the opposite sense:  Quick and short breathing makes it possible to activate the brain. However, calming breathing techniques are useful in many more situations.

breathing during pregnancy
Breathing techniques are very important in the preparation for childbirth in order to reduce stress and find relaxation during delivery.

Final remark

The brain, like all other body tissues, needs  sufficient oxygen to function properly. However, recent research has shown that breathing also has other effects on the brain.

Certain nerve cells activate themselves when you breathe faster. This  intensifies stress and anxiety. We can also better control these situations through correct breathing so that we can cope better in everyday life.

Therefore it is very important  to master breathing techniques and to be able to use them at the right moments. There are many experts in this field. For example, yoga and meditation can be very beneficial.

You should become aware of the importance of breathing and its effect on the brain. Try to improve your breathing and learn to control it. Breathing slowly and deeply can help you control your emotions.

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