How Does Aloe Vera Work Internally?

Aloe Vera has been used as a medicinal plant for generations. But how does it work internally?

How does aloe vera work internally?

Aloe Vera is an all-rounder when it comes to skin ailments. The gel of the plant helps with sunburn, small injuries, irritated skin, burns and other complaints, provided that the gel is applied externally.

But how is the plant used internally?

Aloe Vera miracle cure

There are over 200 types of aloe vera plants. They differ mainly in their growth.

Some species grow quite quickly and reach sizes that are ideal for the conservatory but bad for the windowsill.

The plant is known for its excellent nourishing effects and healing properties on the skin.

You should either have a plant on the windowsill or a pure (!) Aloe Vera gel at hand, because it can be used in many ways.

Basically, it donates an incredible amount of moisture. Their nourishing ingredients also ensure that wounds, skin injuries and skin irritations such as sunburn or burns heal faster.

The gel also acts as a moisturizer. If you own an aloe vera in the garden, winter garden or on the balcony, you can make a great moisturizing mask yourself.

To do this, cut off a piece of the thick-fleshed leaf and carefully peel off the hard, green outer skin. The resulting light green jelly-like core is the part of the plant that contains the active ingredients that your skin is waiting for.

Aloe vera gel

Does this also help with constipation?

It all depends on how you use the leaves. If you want to achieve a laxative effect, you must not use the gel from the inside of the leaf, but mainly the green outer areas of the leaf.

These contain an active ingredient that has a laxative effect. With the money you will achieve absolutely nothing in this regard.

Caution: the laxative agent from the green outer parts of the leaf leads to a large accumulation of blood in the organs of the abdominal cavity, which is why this laxative can be dangerous during pregnancy and menstruation.

Does aloe vera help against high blood lipid levels and diabetes?

More and more often one reads that the gel is supposed to still perform greater medical miracles.

According to some texts, the gel of the prickly plant is said to even help with diabetes, which can lower blood lipid levels. In addition, some authors say that aloe vera can even be used for high blood pressure; AIDS, Alzheimer’s or cancer help.

Of course, there have been and have always been studies that investigated precisely these aspects of the plant.

Aloe vera gel or juice may therefore only be sold for laxative purposes with a so-called “healing promise”. All other promotional statements of products that advertise the active ingredients or components of the plant when used internally are prohibited.

Aloe vera

Which aloe products to buy?

In a test recently carried out by a German magazine, the laboratories found surprisingly fluctuating and widely differing levels of aloe vera in cosmetic products.

So if you want to use the power of the desert plant for skin care, you should pay attention to how much of it is actually contained in the product.

You can find this out relatively easily by reading the contents of the cream or gel. The further up the list you read the name, the more of it is in the product.

If you want to use the gel as a medicine to relieve sunburn, psoriasis, burns or other skin injuries, it is generally better to put a plant on the windowsill.

So you know that you really only harvest the pure gel without additives when you need it – and always fresh!

The money you spend on drinks and food that has pieces of the gel or juice from the plant added to it can be saved with a clear conscience.

No matter what health benefits you expect from it – the manufacturer really gets the greatest benefit, not you.

If you nonetheless want to consume aloe vera, it is better to use your own plant here too and use the part of the leaf that helps: the green, thick outer skin of the leaf when you are constipated!

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