How Do You Remove Calluses From The Feet?

Your feet need care all year round, not just in summer. Don’t forget to treat them with special moisturizers.

How do you remove calluses on the feet?

Almost all of them have already discovered calluses on their feet. This is usually caused by wearing unsuitable socks or stockings.

To the cornea , it is most common on the heels, toes or on the soles.

The callus is formed by the feet to protect against injury. That is why it occurs in those places where the skin is most stressed.

Failure to remove the cornea can cause pain and even infection.  It is very important for diabetics to take care of their feet, because if an infection occurs through the cornea, it can be dangerous.

Keep in mind that people with diabetes have restricted blood flow (to the arms and legs) and so wounds may not heal as quickly. So if you have diabetes, you should be very careful not to get injuries or sores on your feet.

In addition to the aforementioned problems with blood circulation, diabetics are also more prone to losing sensation in their feet and legs. For this reason, they should undergo regular examinations.

In the following, we provide you with some advice on how to prevent or remove calluses. We’ll also give you some natural remedies that will help you with this endeavor.


  • Do not wear heeled shoes or uncomfortable shoes for long periods of time, and certainly not for long journeys.
  • Always have a pair of comfortable shoes ready in case you unexpectedly have to walk a little longer.
  • Moisturize your feet. Remember that the feet are extremely stressed every day and need appropriate care. For example, bathe your feet in lukewarm water once or twice a week. You can rub your feet with a stone to remove the callus.
    • It is not recommended to take drugs to remove the cornea. The skin under the cornea is very sensitive, so it could lead to more severe ailments that require a specialist. He will help you remove them without the risk of injury.
    • Moisturizing ointments and creams should be made specifically for the feet. There is a wide variety of products on the market, including many different brands and prices. Body creams cannot meet the same needs.
    • Avoid wearing thick stockings. This can cause blood circulation problems. Use light stockings, preferably made of cotton.
    • Don’t forget your feet in winter! They need the right care not just in summer, but throughout the year.
    • Special plasters are also very suitable. These prevent blisters from forming on new or unsuitable footwear.

    Natural home remedies for calluses

    Home remedies 1

    Foot bath

    Take a ten minute foot bath in lukewarm water. Then rub the cornea with a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and a little water. Massage the area gently and then rub the callus with a stone.

    Home remedies 2

    Make chamomile tea for a foot bath. To do this, take four spoons of chamomile and then boil it in a liter of water. The chamomile helps you to relieve the discomfort and loosens skin that has become hard.

    Home remedies 3

    Lemon wedge

    Cut off a lemon wedge, put it on the callus, tie the lemon with a bandage and leave it on your foot overnight.

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